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Thread: Moving in - what to do?

  1. #1
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    Moving in - what to do?

    Hello Everyone, I hope you're all good.
    I just want to ask a few questions about the following.

    - We will move in to our new flat next month once everything is sorted. My question is, are we going to tell them that we move in and give them our new address? Are we going to send them a letter? and addressed to whom or where? is it in UKBA?

    - My documents (FLR-M) are still in the UKBA and I've been waiting for it for almost 7 months now. i had my biometrics already on the 22nd of November. Do you reckon it will be affected once we move in because we changed our address? (i just want to know because my parents-in-law are a bit worried..) tho I explained it to them that it will not be affected, but they just want to make sure.

    -My last question, we haven't reported yet in the Philippine Embassy that I am married now, but we are planning to do it before our 1st wedding anniversary on 28th of June. Just incase that my documents/passport will not be given to me before our anniversary. can we just go there without our documents? or can we bring our marriage certificate only? Does anyone here know on what are the requirements to bring in reporting of marriage?

    Thank you very much for reading and hoping to hear from you.. God bless you xxxx

  2. #2
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    That is in the guidance file for FLR applicants. Maybe try that, grasya.

    If you need to contact us after you have applied, please do so as follows. To send us more information about your application, write to the following address (not the one to
    which you posted your application):

    UK Border Agency
    Initial Consideration Unit - FLR(M)
    Lunar House
    40 Wellesley Road
    CR9 2BY

    and give the following details in your letter: the applicant’s full name, date of birth and nationality, any Recorded or Special Delivery number, the date on which the application was posted or made in person, the Home Office reference number if you have one.

    Report the Marriage to the Philippines Embassy by doing this, follow the link.

    The fee for late registration of birth and/or marriage is GBP18.00. This is in addition to the notarization fee of GBP18.00 that you have to pay when you report a birth or marriage.

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