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Thread: Politics and work

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Politics and work

    Politics and work somehow dont mix and we the workers are stuck right in the middle.
    Most know i work for a private transport company its been going over 100 years now and there are the 3rd and 4th generation family members involved now.
    The problem is the young 4th generation kids trying to throw there weight around and there fathers backing each son, it will turn ugly i am sure.
    I thought i had a attitude with some folk but there is this one son who hates his cousin so much he cannot be in the same room and he will call him so much behind his back in front of us,
    Its that bad that they are asking for letters from some staff saying that the reason they are leaving is because they dont like so and so.
    Where will this all end who knows, they will do what they want when they want anyway.
    Its got that bad that the other manager has gave them his notice because its effecting his health and his life so he says , how much notice has he gave 18 MONTHS ,whats that about the silly tw-t

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I think I said before Steve, they have no right under law to ask a reason for leaving. But someone giving 18 months notice is someone who is not serious and does not want to leave in my opinion.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I think I said before Steve, they have no right under law to ask a reason for leaving. But someone giving 18 months notice is someone who is not serious and does not want to leave in my opinion.
    Indeed Steve, 18 months notice is a little silly, he claims he wants time to train others up so when he leaves the company will still be ok, a little bottom licking i am thinking here

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