One day at work, well, I am working at department store...
The rule is, bring your company ballpen...
So, I have my own pen. I went to the near area for the customer needs assistance...
That very moment I was writing my sales...and I thought I leave my pen on the table...
when I go back to my area...I asked my co-worker if she found my pen...and she said "no"
So I search everywhere...and roam everywhere for that ballpen.
I worked there for only 5hrs.
And you know what happened? when I am out and have the security inspection, she told me...Hey! good hair do...a hair with a pencil...
Yeah, I know what you're going to say...
Well anyway, that's a very good experience..I'll just leave your comments, suggestions or violent reactions there..:-)
thanks! for reading by the way..:-)
my eyes - you can now - joebloggs