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Thread: Serious question

  1. #1
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    Post Serious question

    Hi there,

    I have recently married a Pinay (awaiting spouse visa) and am looking forward to beginning our lives together in the UK.

    Her family have been very supportive, kind and respectful towards me but ...
    ... I'm kinda getting fed up with the, "everything about Philippines culture is wonderful" whilst there seems to be a generally derogatory attitude towards the UK. Mostly from Pinays and Pinoys living here.

    I am aware of the failings of my country and my countrymen but I don't want it rubbed in my face. I don't remember saying anything horrible about the Philippines when I was there or trying to look down my nose at the locals.

    I recognize there is a difference in the culture and that I must try to bridge the gap to maintain a healthy relationship, yet it seems if I try to be proud of my own heritage that makes me a racist.

    I like Philippines culture, there is a lot to be admired about it and I like my in-laws and given a choice (which we won't be) would rather have Filipinos emigrating to my country than some of the less desirable people that turn up.

    I won't fall out with my wife or my in laws about it but......

    Can't I be proud of my country and heritage as well? Especially as our tolerance and freedom has allowed many to arrive here.

    Ok, whinge over. lol (Please feel free to call me names)

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    What specifically do they moan about?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I've lived in the Philippines and must confess I've never heard anyone criticize the UK; in fact, most people in the Philippines don't know where the UK is. But having said that, I know where I prefer to be and that's good old Blighty. Don't worry, and enjoy your life with your beautiful wife - wherever you live!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    In all my years of marriage, I've never heard anything bad about the UK. The only thing I can remember was, when Pacman knocked out Hatton and some Pinoys mocked him, and now I have this picture on my wall at home

  5. #5
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    They are probably confused and think UK is USA!

  6. #6
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    Got to agree with Michael, I've never known anyone in Philippines criticise UK . As Michael mentions, most folks don't even known where England or UK actually is.

    Well, as for those living here from Philippines making such criticisms, I generally find that to be quite rare also.
    Of course many will be homesick and will miss the country and culture. But generally, I have found that they usually like it here and only seem to complain about those things we all complain about.

    I'm sorry, but I just don't recognise the problem(s) you seemed to be bugged with.

    As Jamie asks, what specifically are these people moaning about??

    And what is the family of your wife moaning about??? What do they know about life in UK or UK culture??

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    in all my years of marriage I've never heard anything bad about the UK, the only thing i can remember was when pacman knocked out hatton and some pinoys mocked him, and now i have this picture on my wall at home
    I was in the Philippines soon after Hatton's defeat and I was constantly mocked about it (in a good-natured way)!

    But I very rarely here any criticism of the UK from Filipinos, either here in the UK or in the Philippines. As some other posters have mentioned, many don't know where it is, or think it's part of the USA. I've even been asked "what language do you speak there?"!

    The thing that annoys me most (and my wife is one of the worst offenders) is when they think that all the great British people in history were American! My wife is a nurse and thought that Florence Nightingale was American!!!! Needless to say, I gave her a swift history lesson!

  8. #8
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    But we do disgusting things like blow our noses into a hankie,
    and don't snook it up

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    In all my years of marriage, I've never heard anything bad about the UK. The only thing I can remember was when Pacman knocked out Hatton and some Pinoys mocked him, and now I have this picture on my wall at home

    Hahahaha too funny

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bikramyogi View Post
    hahahaha too funny
    you can't about it, you'll be banned, along with me and bieber

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    I was in the Philippines soon after Hatton's defeat and I was constantly mocked about it (in a good-natured way)!

    But I very rarely here any criticism of the UK from Filipinos, either here in the UK or in the Philippines. As some other posters have mentioned, many don't know where it is, or think it's part of the USA. I've even been asked "what language do you speak there?"!

    The thing that annoys me most (and my wife is one of the worst offenders) is when they think that all the great British people in history were American! My wife is a nurse and thought that Florence Nightingale was American!!!! Needless to say, I gave her a swift history lesson!
    im also a nurse but i dont even remember wher Florence Nightingale came from hahah all i know was she was the epitome of tender loving care

  12. #12
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

  13. #13
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    I mentioned Florence Nightingale in the “ Improving Health “ thread ( ).

    She helped make nursing a respectable profession for women. Although best known for overseeing a team of nurses in Scutari ( Turkey ) during the Crimean War in the 1850’s, she later established the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London.

    She set an example for training of nurses and caring for patients which should not be forgotten today.

    The clue to where she came from is in her name - she was born in Florence, Italy.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    you can't about it, you'll be banned, along with me and bieber
    oh dear im sorry ok lips are sealed

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    I mentioned Florence Nightingale in the “ Improving Health “ thread ( ).

    She helped make nursing a respectable profession for women. Although best known for overseeing a team of nurses in Scutari ( Turkey ) during the Crimean War in the 1850’s, she later established the Nightingale Training School for nurses at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London.

    She set an example for training of nurses and caring for patients which should not be forgotten today.

    The clue to where she came from is in her name - she was born in Florence, Italy.
    Oh yes! how could I not remember that. Perhaps the reason why I couldnt remember is because she was only introduced to us just when we were about to start nursing fundamentals or maybe i just suck in history

  16. #16
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    It's usually poriners (especially Brits ) I hear moaning about the Phils when I'm there.
    Sometimes I just want to give them a slap...ignorant gits.

    As others have said, many, if not most Filipinos have as much idea of what and where the UK is as the average Brit has knowledge of the fair exchange I reckon.

    Simply put, yes the Filipino culture is VERY different to ours, however similar it may seem superficially in some respects.

    We have different ways of thinking.

    As long as we accept that and attempt to adapt to life there instead of constantly (as GUESTS in their country ) pointing out their 'faults' to them, then life seems a lot less stressed.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Well this rubbish about "can you feel proud of your culture without it seeming racist", it is long overdue for those who somehow think it is racist to like UK culture to be told to sling their hook.

    This is a country which finally ended slavery after thousands of years, invented the NHS, ended brutal murderous regimes in Africa (Well yes, by invading, but hey), brought a system of democracy throughout the world, are responsible for some of the greatest inventions and advances.
    The UK has showed the way on how to get on with neighbours, by the very formation of the UK. Is acknowledged as the safest country with high regard for justice and freedom, and even knowingly wrecked it's economy permanently by standing alone in Europe against the advance of fascism.

    Compare the good, against the bad, and there is little not to be proud of. Of course things could be better, with less tolerance to society wreckers, the feckless, the criminals and those who would come here hating these freedoms.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It's usually poriners (especially Brits ) I hear moaning about the Phils when I'm there.
    Sometimes I just want to give them a slap...ignorant gits.
    poriners whatever happened to the p and f sounds? hehe that is something very common in my country

  19. #19
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    Aye...sorrreee....Ibe veen libbing der par too long my prend.

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    there seems to be a generally derogatory attitude towards the uk. Mostly from pinays and pinoys living here.
    I think he means Filipino`s in the UK but I could be wrong.

    I never really experienced that apart from the ones that were really homesick..
    Pretty rare they act in that way though.

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