Hi Terpe

Thank you for enlightenment.
In my spouse visa it said Leave To Enter or Remain and of course the wording of no recourse to public funds.

Not that I really wanted to get hold of the monthly £81.20 child benefits. It was purely an honest mistake. And all the monies are still intact. Mark only thought it should be in my name since he believes that his son is British and I the mother may claim it. Well I think we were just rubbish of doing some research. We are not claiming child tax credits or any sorts of benefits other than child benefits because after giving birth, we only filled the forms were asked to be filled.

That's why I'm very thankful to the staffs at PEO Solihull for considering the application and gave us the opportunity to contact the child benefits to which the caseworker asked for a confirmation letter as to whom the payments made to and their response from child benefits after we contacted the hmrc and for Mark to place the claim.

But we will also send this link from hmrc child benefits as it is black and white on their technical rules about who may claim.

If we were thick we would have claimed for my children from previous relationship. But honestly we can't stomach it. Maybe when we are desperate for monthly cash. LOL