sorry , I PAID IT through DIRECT BANK TRANSFERS guys
spoke to our bank and they said there is nothing they can do as it is bank transfers, we even argue with them that even if we are scammed? and they wont do anything to investigate this lloyds tsb business account with them. The bank is our only hope. we will try to speak to our local branch and see if they can help us with our evidence that this company we bought the ticket from is a fraudulent and scam company. thank you all for your inputs and advice. it is so frustrating and dis appointing that action fraud department said they receive like 10 reports everyday so they will just choose which one worth investigating to and they said they might not do further investigation to our case. and they advice us not to speak with this people again as they are criminal, but they can not promise us that they wil do an investigation!! so so unfair...
so they are just letting this criminals ripped peoples and walk away .. I bet these criminals scammers already know how the system works, how this so called action fraud department works, that is why they just do more crimes and get away with it because they know that action fraud police department will not pursue any further investigation!
so dis appointed of how they handle our case. we got nor more hope really.. thought their mission is to bring those criminals to justice!! but NO, they are just choosing which case to investigate!!!!!!!!!!!!!![]()