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Thread: Love letter to Filipinos

  1. #1
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    Love letter to Filipinos

    It's a quite true about the cultural side of the Filipinos, which is also our cross.

    A commentary of an American teacher to the Filipinos...

    "You have many problems here, I understand that. Americans worry about having new cars, Filipinos worry about having enough food to eat. That’s an enormous difference. But do not envy us, because we should learn something from you. What I see is that even when your hands are empty, your hearts remain full."

    Full read:
    Life as we make it

  2. #2
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Just read this yesterday on Facebook. Its all quite true i think and you could substitute UK for America. its just the same.

    I always feel very welcome and at home in the Philippines. Cant wait to get back there but the problem is having to leave!

  3. #3
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    It's a shame that those in the Philippines who CAN afford to eat seem to be following the Western countries down the obesity route though.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Although i agree with some of the things he wrote the letter was a bit OTT for me.
    If he loves it here so much why is he leaving. Why not stay in the country and help develop it?
    Actions speak louder than words..
    PS, I love the Philippines thats why i call it home

  5. #5
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    Good point Jake.

    Reminds me of Imelda gushing on about the heroic Filipino poor....from the comfort of her palace.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Good point Jake.

    Reminds me of Imelda gushing on about the heroic Filipino poor....from the comfort of her palace.
    Imelda is a cracker!
    This story has been circulating on every social networking site that filipino's use. Does it help your average filipino?
    Would be nice to see something about more important national issues getting as much coverage.

  7. #7
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    Yeah, this 'is doing the rounds' over the internet just now.

    Interesting blog.
    Some things I agree with and some I don't.

    If I'm going to be critical, then for me I think it over romanticises being an OFW which can often be forced upon people who feel they have no choice.
    Lets not forget that many OFW's are seen as a money tree by their family back home who have no concern for the sacrifices being made.

    For me a lot of this guy's come from his own experience view and feeling of the 'American Dream' and what he thinks it's become for him.

    I began to wonder just how much he really understood about Philippine culture and life.

    Having said that, I do share his admiration for the work ethic of Filipinos.
    In fact it's a work ethic that found in most Asian cultures.

    There should be a warning in that message somewhere that following too closely the 'American Dream' and all that goes with it may cause the Philippines
    to sleepwalk down the same path.

    Let's hope that important and true traditional Philippine culture and family values will shine victorious over materialism and over the 'home-grown' crab mentality that can be the curse of many.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I love the last bits of the letter:

    (yes ,we filipinos work hard but always have a smile on our face)

    ''Please know that at least one of us expats has seen what you do for others and understands that you have a story behind your smiles. Know that at least one of us admires you, respects you, and thanks you for your sacrifices. Salamat po. Ingat lagi. Mahal ko kayong lahat.''
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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