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Thread: visa documents to pass

  1. #1
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    visa documents to pass

    hi im filing my visa this week and this are my suppporting documents i will pass to them,
    ,my documents,
    nbi clearance
    .my english test

    my husband documents
    copy of 1st page of passport
    birth cert,
    divorce paper

    and my husband sponsoring documents
    .letter from his DLA
    .letter from job seeker for his income support
    .letter from housing benifits and tax benifits that he is intiled of having it
    .tenancy agreement
    .land lord letter
    .sponsoring letter
    .one bank statement
    .telephone bill

    and addition to our documents
    .form of vf4a appendix 2 financial requirements
    .online copy copy of visa application
    .marriage cert fr nso
    pictures of wedding and his visit here
    .letters and cards fr him and his family
    .stamps of his passport
    wedding receits
    money transper receits
    pictures of his flat

    guys pls help if theres any wrong of our documents or if this is not enough yet,pls help thanks alot

  2. #2
    Respected Member marlyn&kenny's Avatar
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    Good luck think everything you mentioned should be enough
    Marlyn & Kenny forever

  3. #3
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Hi joannet.

    I would like you to add/consider the following documents on your application:
    1. ID photo of you and your husband (with full name written at the back).
    2. 5 more bank statements (i know that you don't need to meet the financial requirement but i think 6 months bank statement is the minimum required by UKBA even you're exempted on 7A).
    3. your husband passport copy shall be stamped by a solicitor. better if you can submit his original passport.
    4. section 14 shall be signed by you and your husband - very important!
    5. wedding receipt, money transfer receipts and picture of his apartment is not necessary on my opinion.
    6. any exchange emails apart from Skype or YM or FB?
    7.your employment letter, CV, 6 pay slips and 6 bank statements IF and ONLY IF you are currently employed.
    8. old passport IF the current is your second.

    Good luck on your application.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    Hi joannet.

    I would like you to add/consider the following documents on your application:
    1. ID photo of you and your husband (with full name written at the back).
    2. 5 more bank statements (i know that you don't need to meet the financial requirement but i think 6 months bank statement is the minimum required by UKBA even you're exempted on 7A).
    3. your husband passport copy shall be stamped by a solicitor. better if you can submit his original passport.
    4. section 14 shall be signed by you and your husband - very important!
    5. wedding receipt, money transfer receipts and picture of his apartment is not necessary on my opinion.
    6. any exchange emails apart from Skype or YM or FB?
    7.your employment letter, CV, 6 pay slips and 6 bank statements IF and ONLY IF you are currently employed.
    8. old passport IF the current is your second.

    thanks for the reply u think i dnt need to send them my money receits and wedding receits?:-) i just want to ask what is section 14 we need to signed?thanks alot

  5. #5
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Personally, wedding receipt is not important since you already have a wedding certificate from NSO. If you wish to consider the money transfer receipt then it's fine - it could be an evidence of relationship.

    Are you applying for FLR(M) / Spouse Visa? If YES, you should know what Section 14 is - Spouse Declaration. Ensure that you are using the right form. Dec 2012 is the current revision.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    Personally, wedding receipt is not important since you already have a wedding certificate from NSO. If you wish to consider the money transfer receipt then it's fine - it could be an evidence of relationship.

    Are you applying for FLR(M) / Spouse Visa? If YES, you should know what Section 14 is - Spouse Declaration. Ensure that you are using the right form. Dec 2012 is the current revision.
    thanks again for the reply but im not applying for my FLR in the uk cos im here in the phil and this is my 1st time to file my visa as spouse

  7. #7
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    FLRM is Spouse Visa. Even you're in the Philippines you can still apply for FLRM/Spouse Visa. To be honest, I'm afraid of your application and I don't want you to apply on the wrong category. Have a look online for UKBA Philippines FLRM Application. This will give you further information about your application.

    By the way, VA4F is for visit visa / fiancé visa. What you need is FLR(M).

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by vernier caliper View Post
    FLRM is Spouse Visa. Even you're in the Philippines you can still apply for FLRM/Spouse Visa. To be honest, I'm afraid of your application and I don't want you to apply on the wrong category. Have a look online for UKBA Philippines FLRM Application. This will give you further information about your application.

    By the way, VA4F is for visit visa / fiancé visa. What you need is FLR(M).
    No no no.

    Visa required for Spouse from outside UK is VAF4A

    FLR(M) is used ONLY for Further Leave to Remain in UK.
    IE Extension of stay.

    Concerning the document list. You should follow the requirements of UKBA.
    Their decision is made on the evidence you submit against their requirements. It is not made on the basis of a document list but rather on the contents of those documents.

    Good luck

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    No no no.

    Visa required for Spouse from outside UK is VAF4A

    FLR(M) is used ONLY for Further Leave to Remain in UK.
    IE Extension of stay.

    Concerning the document list. You should follow the requirements of UKBA.
    Their decision is made on the evidence you submit against their requirements. It is not made on the basis of a document list but rather on the contents of those documents.

    Good luck
    big big thank you sir terpe i know that FLR(m) is not for me;; mr vernier makes my thingking so confuse sorry to tell that,, but sir terpe what do you think on my supporting documents i have here my husband bank statement for oct-november is that ok already as my husband getting disability he only needs to pass atlist one bank statement pls help

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by joannet View Post
    big big thank you sir terpe i know that FLR(m) is not for me;;mr vernier makes my thingking so confuse sorry to tell that,,but sir terpe what do you think on my supporting documents i have here my husband bank statement for oct-november is that ok already as my husband getting disability he only needs to pass atlist one bank statement pls help
    It appears that your husband is exempt from the Financial Requirement income threshold.

    To support this exemption you'll need to submit at least 1 bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into the person's account, also you'll need to submit some official documentation from the UK Department for Work and Pensions confirming the entitlement and the amount being received.
    This evidence will also be required to evidence adequate maintenance (see below) therefore I would personally suggest submission of 3 months bank statements.

    Under your circumstances UKBA do not stipulate that bank statements must be the latest, but personally I would try to provide the latest you can do just to keep all risks to minimum. October and November are technically accepted however, despite being quite far out of date. Just my suggestion if it's easy to achieve.
    Now, since there is an exemption from the Financial Requirement, this means that you husband needs to clearly show

    The Immigration Rules state that ‘adequate’ and ‘adequately’ in relation to a maintenance and accommodation means that after housing costs have been deducted, there must be a level of gross income that would be available to them if the family was in receipt of income support.
    Currently, the level of Income Support is £111.45 per week for a couple so this is what needs to be evidenced.

  11. #11
    Respected Member vernier caliper's Avatar
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    Sorry about that Joannet and Terpe. I have no intention to confuse others.

    Good luck on your application.

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access) minenotyours's Avatar
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    hello. i cant help joannet. i need answers to my post, coz no one's answering with it. please help to those who will be able to read this, im veri confused and nervous.
    - my interview is scheduled next month, feb 1, 2013. I am child dependant of settled person. im only 17 years old. I am nervous with the questions that will be asked in the interview. If you experienced this, would you rather tell me what are the questions that are being asked during the interview? Need replies.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    It appears that your husband is exempt from the Financial Requirement income threshold.

    To support this exemption you'll need to submit at least 1 bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into the person's account, also you'll need to submit some official documentation from the UK Department for Work and Pensions confirming the entitlement and the amount being received.
    This evidence will also be required to evidence adequate maintenance (see below) therefore I would personally suggest submission of 3 months bank statements.

    Under your circumstances UKBA do not stipulate that bank statements must be the latest, but personally I would try to provide the latest you can do just to keep all risks to minimum. October and November are technically accepted however, despite being quite far out of date. Just my suggestion if it's easy to achieve.
    Now, since there is an exemption from the Financial Requirement, this means that you husband needs to clearly show

    The Immigration Rules state that ‘adequate’ and ‘adequately’ in relation to a maintenance and accommodation means that after housing costs have been deducted, there must be a level of gross income that would be available to them if the family was in receipt of income support.
    Currently, the level of Income Support is £111.45 per week for a couple so this is what needs to be evidenced.
    sir terpe this my husband getting to his DLA and jobseekersplus income support
    my husband getting DLA 526 pound every four weeks deducted the mobility for 216.5 left to his DLA is 309.80pounds every for weeks then
    he getting from jobseekersplus income support is 222.30 every two weeks
    what do you think sir terpe on my husband financial requirements

  14. #14
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    As Terpe has said you need to show you have left each week £111.45 after housing costs have been deducted, from the figures you show your sponsor certainly has the relevant finances in place to support your visa application.

    Please feel free to ask for further advice and follow the sound advice you have received so far and you should be fine, good luck!

  15. #15
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    sir terpe i already get my husband recent bank statement,and i also got my husband entilement for the benifits and allowance he getting sir what do you think on our finalcial?and what is the answer in vaf4a appendix 2 question,HOW LONG YOU HAVE BEEN IN A RELATIONSHIP AKIN TO MARRIAGE OR A CIVIL PARTNERSHIP WITH YOUR SPONSOR,, and Do you intend to work in the uk they said if yes tell pull details if what i intend to do and if i already arrange any employment,

  16. #16
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    Joannet, you listed NBI clearance as one your documents.

    My spouse too is applying for this visa, I have not come across this document as being needed. Where did you find information that this was required? Maybe I have missed something!

  17. #17
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    NBI Clearance is a document that needs to be renewed every year to prove that you don't have any criminal records. It is just a form of identification really. Up to you if you add NBI on your docu list. Its not really necessary in my own opinion and experience.

  18. #18
    Respected Member angellegwen's Avatar
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    hi Joannet, i think since you're already married, it just how long you've been married...then you can probably insert a separate sheet of bond paper with an explanation like mine...

    Ex. June 14, 2007 our relationship started
    June 28, 2011 Got Engaged
    Oct 4, 2012 Got married

    Thats how i do it, and the question "Do you intend to work in the UK...

    I asnwered YES as soon as Im allowed to work. ( I don't know if it applies to you as I was applying for fiancee before) Hopefully this will help you
    Always look on the bright side of life

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    NBI Clearance is a document that needs to be renewed every year to prove that you don't have any criminal records. It is just a form of identification really. Up to you if you add NBI on your docu list. Its not really necessary in my own opinion and experience.
    Hi Melovesengland...i have encountered that NBI clearance thing in some of the requirements posted by those people who are applying for spouse and fiancee visa.I'm just wondering why do they get to include it?for identification?coz im also applying for spouse visa now..and im not sure if il include the NBI clearance or not?Hope u can help me out.. Thanks.

  20. #20
    Respected Member smileyangel's Avatar
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    I realized you posted this thread a month ago now. So I am not sure if you lodged your application before Feb.28 but if not, I think you must consider the tuberculosis testing too.

    Here's the link:

    Goodluck with your application!

  21. #21
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria79 View Post
    Hi Melovesengland...i have encountered that NBI clearance thing in some of the requirements posted by those people who are applying for spouse and fiancee visa.I'm just wondering why do they get to include it?for identification?coz im also applying for spouse visa now..and im not sure if il include the NBI clearance or not?Hope u can help me out.. Thanks.
    Like what I have said NBI clearance is a document thats proves that you are clear of any criminal records. It is just a form of identification. Some of us here didnt include any NBI clearance some of us did but it is just up to you.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by melovesengland View Post
    Like what I have said NBI clearance is a document thats proves that you are clear of any criminal records. It is just a form of identification. Some of us here didnt include any NBI clearance some of us did but it is just up to you.
    Thanks for the reply Melovesengland...I guess u are ryt..

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