I have always envied Novie's pictures of flowers and minute objects. I almost bought a used macro lens in ebay for that matter (thanks to the person I was bidding against, I never won!).
Maulaw man sad ta nimo jlags oi! Thanks sa compliment. You shouldve bought the lens, you can explore more on that. I am saving still to get new telephoto lens. GRRRR!! Soooo expensive!!
Maulaw man sad ta nimo jlags oi! Thanks sa compliment. You shouldve bought the lens, you can explore more on that. I am saving still to get new telephoto lens. GRRRR!! Soooo expensive!!
It was way too expensive considering it was already used. I found out that I can buy a new one like your 18-55mm VR lens cheaper than my bidding price. The one i was bidding on was an 18-200 vr lens that is probably why it is expensive.
UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you... UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...