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Thread: Another new job

  1. #31
    Respected Member
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    I saw a website recently (think someone here might have posted it) with all the salaries and conditions for train drivers and it without a doubt looks like a great career, but fairly competitive.

    If the program your talking about is the one that started in kings cross, I saw that and was quiet impressed.

    I personally consider the UK railways far superior then most of Europe including France. People rave about the TVR but its often dirty uncomfortable and overcrowded and isn't that cheap.

    To be honest, with the whole HS2 situation I don't know why they don't reinvest that 30bn into upgrading the main lines to handle two tier trains instead of a new line which will save a mere 30 mins

  2. #32
    Respected Member WhiteBloodAda's Avatar
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    Time is of the essence though. Personally they should do both, but I feel that HS2 is vital for the growth of the country. The benefits of HS1 have been pretty good bot economically and personally. Just over an hour to get to London now from Dover, compared to aprox 2 hours on the slow trains. You pay the premium, but if you're in a rush, it's well worth it

  3. #33
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    How's it all going Ada? Hope you've passed the medical and the jobs are going well

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