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Thread: Filipino woman gang raped

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Filipino woman gang raped

    KARACHI - A Filipino woman was gang raped in Clifton police precincts here on Saturday....

  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    'Personal dispute' ???

    animals !

  3. #3
    Respected Member -sillybilly-'s Avatar
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    Yes they are real demons and b******s!
    Im not sure if you have seen the Filipina OFW hacked by taxi driver in Abu Dhabi.

    And more story. I used to work with Doctor, one of the princesses in Bahrain telling me a story about a girl who had a car accident and was in total coma. And this was in middle east.
    She stayed in the hospital for months and the medical staff had noticed that her belly was getting bigger.
    Blood test and sorts where done and came out negative of Hcg's. which means she was not pregnant when the accident happened.
    So now why all of a sudden her HCG turned out to be positive.
    That just mean one of the b******s has raped the girl while in coma.
    HOw sick was that?
    I'm a cruel and heartless bitch but I’m damn good at it!

  4. #4
    Trusted Member
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    I am not at all surprised.

    Filipinas need to be warned to stay away from the middle east, India and Pakistan.

    Go only to countries where females are respected, not treated as slaves and playthings for disgusting and primitive so-called 'men'.

    The greedy Philippines government will do NOTHING while money is coming in from the used and abused OFWs.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Rape in ANY form is despicable ... but for such a dastardly act to be carried out by a gang of cowardly thugs must've been a horrendous ordeal for the poor victim of this vile deed.

  6. #6
    Member Stevenjbuk's Avatar
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    I spent time in Karachi and know Clifton.
    Clifton is where the British Consulate is (or used to be) and by Karachi terms Clifton is a good area full if well to do people. Which may explain why the Filipino girl was there, she may have been working as a housemaid.
    But what kind of sick b******s rape. No woman deserves such a horrible and wicked act against her. If they were that desperate...then they could have gone a few miles down the road and got themselves a prostitute.

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