Bouncing back from disappointment, loss, or an irritating situation can take time. When you’re hurting, the thing you need to do is nurse your wounds for a little while, regroup, then go back out and face the world.

Wouldn’t it be nice if that saying we learned as children were true in our lives today – “I’m rubber; you’re glue. Everything you say bounces off me and sticks to you”? What a relief it would be if angry words, dirty looks, and cruel actions had no power to hurt us.

Many of us have frying pans coated with Teflon because food doesn’t stick to it. The scientists at Dow Chemical have come up with that might be called the next generation of Teflon: a fluorocarbon formula that can be sprayed of brushed onto a surface. It’s been suggested it might be used to repel graffiti on subway walls, barnacles on ships, dirt on wallpaper, or ice on aircraft. This substance is actually an adhesive and an abhesive. Its “base” sticks to whatever it is applied to, but its “surface” repels moisture.

We have to come into contact with a lot of negatives throughout our lives, but we don’t have to absorb them or let them become part of us.

“Kind words don’t wear out the tongue” – Danish Proverb