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Thread: Italian Politics

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Angry Italian Politics

    Time for another rant.

    I really concerned about the state of the pound and the potential impacts of another Punch and Judy show in Europe.

    Is it only me ? or is it almost like an episode in some wierd teleseries about the Philippine political dynasty.

    Surely there can be another worst-case scenario of further political and social instability and uncertainty in Italy?

    Yes, I'm talking about this totally unbelievable but disturbing come back by Bunga Bunga in Italy

    The joint Bersani and Monti coalition appears to still be sliding into trouble.

    Here we go again, looks like no-one gets the 158 seats needed in the senate to avoid further elections.

    Yep, Plan B could come into play.
    In my opinion that translates as "worst-case scenario"

    I suppose the question is how "worst"?

    Make no mistake no-one is unaffected by an economic burn in Italy. The economy is just too influencial, no matter which side of the piazza you sit.

    Think it can't impact UK? Think again.

    Maybe the big question is who will negotiate with Beppe Grillo

    Lets hope for a continuation of the status quo and an easily negotiated Center Left government.

    Sorry but I'm being very selfish for a best case for UK.

    No offence, it really winds me up.
    It wind up millions of Italians as well, otherwise why would the words of Grillo be so popular.
    We all know that all politicians are *************

    But Bunga Bunga just takes the biscuit. He should know better at his age.

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    A deadlocked parliament with Berlusconi dominating the Senate all brought on by a protest vote eh? Incredible!!
    Sounds like a divided country to me..
    I wonder how Britain will deal with such division in the future?
    Watching from the sidelines with great interest.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Was watching a piece on the election the other night. The young voters in Italy appear to be turned off totally by Bunga Bunga. It seems that his own generation must look at him with some degree of admiration.
    Grillo seems to be an interesting character and perhaps we could do with our own 5 star movement in British Politics as our 2/3 party system seems very tired and a turn off for the electorate.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    I hate it ....their scandals , credibilities blah blah ...
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

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