This may have been discuss in a previous post. So I apologise if I am repeating the same question. No doubt I will repeat a lot of previously asked questions that have been posted in this forum.

However, anybody here, that is not Catholic marry a Catholic? Obviously the majority of Filipino's are Catholic and the majority of those in the UK are Protrstant (especially in England)

I like to add....the girl I am talking to and myself are not getting married....we are still only talking and getting to know each other....However she did ask if I am Catholic and that she would like to marry in a Catholic Church.

How does it work, a non-Catholic marrying a Catholic? Would we be allowed to marry in a Catholic Church? Would I have to convert? If we had children would they be expected to be brought up with in the Catholic faith?

I respect all people's religious believes and have read The Bible, Koran, Bhagvad Gita, Torah and books and magazines, etc of various other religions. So I am not at all bothered if my wife is Catholic and I am not. (Let's face it, Christianity as a whole, is full of Pagan ideas. The cross, trinity, immortal soul, mother of god or mother god worship, etc, all pre-date Christianty even the celebrations are of pagan origin. Easter, for example is a fertility festival) So her being Catholic is not an issue for me.

Would the fact that I am Protestant (Church of England) and she is Catholic cause problems between us?

I would be interested in other people's experiences.