My wife and step daughter now have ILR, and will be able to apply for Naturalisation and registration in early june, having then been here 3 years. After that we intend applying for British passports, then dual citizenship with the Philippines so they retain nationality as Filipinas.

My step-daughter currently uses her mothers maiden name, and my wife obviously uses my surname in all passports and BRP. However, my step-daughter would like to take my surname but we are not sure when would be the best time to do it. When you re apply for Filipino dual citizenship you need to get a new Filipino passport apparently. Is it best to change her name BEFORE registration as a UK citizen or after?

Anybody else done this?

If we change her name by deed poll BEFORE applying for registration, do we also need to change her Biometric Residence Permit to reflect her new name or will the old BRP still be acceptable for registration purposes? The BRP leaflet says you need to report name changes within 3 months. Then it seems to make sense to get the name change just before applying for registration as the BRP becomes redundant once you are registered British as we here do not(yet) carry identity cards.

After gaining registration we will 1). Obtain British Passports 2) Apply for Dual citizenship which means applying for a NEW philippine passports.

Would love to hear from others who have been through this.