Now that we know for sure that the visa will be issued shortly...
Keith, for operating this site and forum, free to anyone that cares to join...........
Thanks, from the bottom of my heart...
To anybody else that also helped me with their suggestions, and hints and encouragment...
Peter and his site, a world of instant knowledge at the click of the mouse. Also thanks for linking me here from ASAWA...
Rob, in the depths of Wales, your help was also appreciated, in more ways than you can think of.
Badboyako, Joe"themanc"bloggs,Fred, Andypaul and other good people that are too many to mention. Your help, banter, humour and general waffle was invaluable in helping me to keep going when it looked dire....
All in all, never met a nicer bunch of people in my life before............
Thanks to all of you
Dom & Jet