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Thread: sure start maternity grant advice needed

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    sure start maternity grant advice needed

    HI my filipina wife who is due to apply for ILR in August 2013, we are expecting our first baby in approx 10 weeks, I want to apply for the sure start maternity grant which can be claimed 11 weeks before the baby is born but I need ensure this is claimed in my name only due to my wife no recourse to public funds restriction, as I am on disability related income benefits, it entitled me to put in a claim but when we visited the midwife to ask her to sign the section to be completed by the health professional and assign it in my name only, the midwife refused and explained she can only put my wife name on it, as the questions on the form was related to the mother being consulted in respect of an expected child and the number of weeks the mother is due to give birth etc. she also mentioned she never come across a situation like ours before, that maybe it was possible to assign it in my name after the baby is born.

    So is it correct to go ahead and claim the grant by doing the following

    1) with only my wife name listed in the section to be completed by a health proffesional.

    2) with my name listed as the claimnant where it ask about you and partner on page 1 of the main form and will put my wife name in the partner section.

    3) I will also inform them in the further information section of the form that my wife has no recourse to public fund and I want the claim to be payable in my name only.

    4) sign the form in my name only.

    or do I need to wait until after the the baby until the baby is born before making a claim.

    Your advice is appreciated.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    hi welcome to the forum!!
    I dont think your wife will be eligible for this grant because of her immigration status.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nightowl View Post
    HI my filipina wife who is due to apply for ILR in August 2013, we are expecting our first baby in approx 10 weeks, I want to apply for the sure start maternity grant which can be claimed 11 weeks before the baby is born but I need ensure this is claimed in my name only due to my wife no recourse to public funds restriction, as I am on disability related income benefits, it entitled me to put in a claim but when we visited the midwife to ask her to sign the section to be completed by the health professional and assign it in my name only, the midwife refused and explained she can only put my wife name on it, as the questions on the form was related to the mother being consulted in respect of an expected child and the number of weeks the mother is due to give birth etc. she also mentioned she never come across a situation like ours before, that maybe it was possible to assign it in my name after the baby is born.

    So is it correct to go ahead and claim the grant by doing the following

    1) with only my wife name listed in the section to be completed by a health proffesional.

    2) with my name listed as the claimnant where it ask about you and partner on page 1 of the main form and will put my wife name in the partner section.

    3) I will also inform them in the further information section of the form that my wife has no recourse to public fund and I want the claim to be payable in my name only.

    4) sign the form in my name only.

    or do I need to wait until after the the baby until the baby is born before making a claim.

    Your advice is appreciated.
    These issues are always complicated and difficult to advise on.
    Everyone has different circumstances and eligibility for many benefits requires understanding and timing.

    Firstly, as sars has stated, when immigration controls are in force (eg No Recourse to Public Funds) the best best path to follow is for the person under controls NOT to make any direct claims in their name.
    Now having said that there are exeptions and circumstances where the certain benefits may be claimed by the partner/spouse (ie you) typically these would be Child Benefit & Tax Credits etc.
    There are other benefits but claiming needs great care and specialist knowledge.

    Your circumstances are your own.

    SSMG eligibility is dependant upon already being in receipt of certain benefits.

    My best advice for you is WAIT until the baby is born. Then you can claim Child Benefit and Child Tax Credits without any problem.
    Now, you could either wait until your wife secures ILR or you could contact the DWP and request claiming details for the SSMG.
    Claims can be made within 11 weeks of expecting the baby or within 3 months of the birth.

    Usually, to qualify for a SSMG there must be no other children in your family and you must already be in receipt of one of the following:-
    Income Support
    Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance
    Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
    Pension Credit
    Child Tax Credit at a rate higher than the family element
    Working Tax Credit that includes a disability or severe disability element

    A health professional (eg doctor or midwife) must also sign your claim form.

    Your wife may also need a NINO

    Sorry can't be any more specific, there are so many issues.

    The key issues are that you must be able to prove eligibility, and that your wife does not claim under her name for benefits.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access) nightowl's Avatar
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    Hi thanks to you both for your kind efforts in replying to my post. Yes I do understand she cannot claim it directly, I have already informed DWP from the day of my wife arrival in UK that she has no recourse to public funds and all my benefits are payable in my name only at the (single person rate).
    But with SSMG although it can be claimed by either partner, it does make it rather complicated for the father of the baby to be signed on the section at the end of the form to be completed by the health proffesional, as I already mentioned the midwife refused to sign it in my name, as the questions are related to the mother being consulted in respect of an expected child and the number of weeks the mother is due to give birth etc.
    I have seen on other forums that it can be claimed by the partner of someone who is subject to immigration control wth no recourse to public funds and later being approved for ILR but which way they claimed SSMG is not clear if they did make a claim before or after the baby is born.
    I will therefore take the advice given by Terpe above and wait until the baby is born, then will claim child benefit in my name only, when in receipts child benefit will then take the SSMG form back to the midwife with evidence that the claim for child benefit is in my name only and therefore she need put my name on the section to be completed by the health proffesional.
    I will keep you informed in due course.

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