Many thanks, Andy, yes, I have no doubt, we will overcome the obstacles. It just looks like a huge wall, when you start. But we will go step by step.

Yes there is "Deutsche Welle" TV in Phils. We also already bought a language course, on CD, she is working hard on it. And there are other ways. She will also try to find someone speaking German in her area.

Nevertheless, there is a risk in doing it on your own.

Official language courses - "Goethe-Institut" in Manila - take 15 weeks and cost between 4,000 and 6,000 php.

I still cannot accept that our laws put these obstacles in our way.

In practice, this comes close to a denial of the right to marry the person you want to marry. It's a kind of interference of the government in private life which is unacceptable in liberal societies.