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Thread: Laws vs. Freedom

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by uli43 View Post
    Before I met my Filipina girlfriend, I never had any idea how governement can interfere in my privat decisions. I'm really upset that I cannot invite her for some months (to Germany), and that we are forced to get married - cause that's the only way we can be together. Yes, we decided to get married, even if we only have met for one week. Cause it's true big love. But even to marry with her is incredibly hard, and my own government treats me with disrespect and mistrust. It takes at least 9 months before we can come together. That's an incredible burden. We are willing to take it, but I'm completely upset how the government tries to do everything to separate us from each other.

    I understand that there are people who abuse marriage. But the fact that rights are abused is not an acceptable reason to punish people who just use their rights properly.

    I always payed my taxes, went to the polls, watched news. I gave them what they deserve. But they don't pay me back with the same respect. We are treated like suspects. I guess it's time for an insurgency!

    It is just a suggestion....

    You are going to live and work in another EU member Country in the near future.
    You probably will be able to take advantage of that Country immigration rules towards "non EEA spouses" of EEA and Swiss Nationals....
    As you will asking that particular Contry's Embassy to release the visa to enter the EU, I don't see what the good old "Deutsche Ordnung" has anything to do with it....

    It is something to do with the "rights of movement" of EU citizens within the community.

    I just had news today, that my wife will be getting her visa for the UK, under the EU Family Permit rules....
    You can do the same from Prague, or wherever you will be moving to.

    If you marry in the Philippines, there is nothing that any Govenment can do to keep you apart, unless they want to be taken to the European Court for infringing your Human Rights.

    Ich wuensche dir alles besten

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It is just a suggestion....

    You are going to live and work in another EU member Country in the near future.
    You probably will be able to take advantage of that Country immigration rules towards "non EEA spouses" of EEA and Swiss Nationals....
    As you will asking that particular Contry's Embassy to release the visa to enter the EU, I don't see what the good old "Deutsche Ordnung" has anything to do with it....

    It is something to do with the "rights of movement" of EU citizens within the community.

    I just had news today, that my wife will be getting her visa for the UK, under the EU Family Permit rules....
    You can do the same from Prague, or wherever you will be moving to.

    If you marry in the Philippines, there is nothing that any Govenment can do to keep you apart, unless they want to be taken to the European Court for infringing your Human Rights.

    Ich wuensche dir alles besten
    Dom well spoted sir

  3. #3
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    I just read that German rules for family reunification get even tighter - now they request that the wife has to have knowledge of German language - she has to learn it before she applies for a visa - that's obviously contrary to the right of marriage ... perhaps a case for the European court ... but who has the time and energy to fight this through?

    Concerning the Czech Republic, where I will live soon -- no chance. Before I apply for family reunification there, I need to have lived there for at least 15 months ...

    Fact is that the laws are obviously made to PREVENT Europeans to marry woman from Philippines or other non-EU member countries.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by uli43 View Post
    I just read that German rules for family reunification get even tighter - now they request that the wife has to have knowledge of German language - she has to learn it before she applies for a visa - that's obviously contrary to the right of marriage ... perhaps a case for the European court ... but who has the time and energy to fight this through?

    Concerning the Czech Republic, where I will live soon -- no chance. Before I apply for family reunification there, I need to have lived there for at least 15 months ...

    Fact is that the laws are obviously made to PREVENT Europeans to marry woman from Philippines or other non-EU member countries.

    I am sorry mate, but to me it sounds as racism, pure and simple.

    If you love the woman, you will be prepared to wait and fight for her.

    Looks like that the German order, is not yet ready to dilute the "ueberrasse" blood with the "untermensch"....

    Personally, apart from having had to wait that little longer for my wife's visa, I had no problems.
    Other European Countries are far more lax, towards mixed marriages.
    As long as you pay your taxes, and not scrounge off the state, you are alright.

    Good luck

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