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Thread: Laws vs. Freedom

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  1. #1
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    Many thanks, Andy, yes, I have no doubt, we will overcome the obstacles. It just looks like a huge wall, when you start. But we will go step by step.

    Yes there is "Deutsche Welle" TV in Phils. We also already bought a language course, on CD, she is working hard on it. And there are other ways. She will also try to find someone speaking German in her area.

    Nevertheless, there is a risk in doing it on your own.

    Official language courses - "Goethe-Institut" in Manila - take 15 weeks and cost between 4,000 and 6,000 php.

    I still cannot accept that our laws put these obstacles in our way.

    In practice, this comes close to a denial of the right to marry the person you want to marry. It's a kind of interference of the government in private life which is unacceptable in liberal societies.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uli43 View Post
    Many thanks, Andy, yes, I have no doubt, we will overcome the obstacles. It just looks like a huge wall, when you start. But we will go step by step.

    Yes there is "Deutsche Welle" TV in Phils. We also already bought a language course, on CD, she is working hard on it. And there are other ways. She will also try to find someone speaking German in her area.

    Nevertheless, there is a risk in doing it on your own.

    Official language courses - "Goethe-Institut" in Manila - take 15 weeks and cost between 4,000 and 6,000 php.

    I still cannot accept that our laws put these obstacles in our way.

    In practice, this comes close to a denial of the right to marry the person you want to marry. It's a kind of interference of the government in private life which is unacceptable in liberal societies.
    Out of intrest how many germans (i know you dont know an exact figure) and fillpinas meet up?
    As in the UK its quite common to see brits and phills about especially in london, was in Ealing broadway this afternoon and every second couple seemed to be brit/phill and loads of Phills i presume there due to the Hospital and its just a few stops from Earls court.

    Also the basic level of German required from what you can see what does that require learning? Enough to hold a basic conversation or a little bit more? ie lots of grammar? Also is it speaking, reading, writing or listening?
    If you have a link that may be easier, sorry for all the questions

    As i mentioned before i can see this possiibly coming in to act in the UK as both major parties will want to look tough on imgration and visas etc. Mr brown how new PM has had as a guest your Chancellor over and i think i saw her shoot past me the other day in Mayfair if she is still in the UK in a nice Beamer with a huge police escort.

    I have mentioned on here before my wife took an English compentcy exam before she arrived which helped her a great deal once here both in skills learned and as a qualfication for when applying for Jobs.

    It will not cost the goverment anything to implement as English exams already exist and they will just ask to see prove of the certificate like they do with the test. Already Medical staff and students have to take the exams to prove what level their english is at.

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