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Thread: Getting Married in the UK (advice needed please)

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  1. #1
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    Getting Married in the UK (advice needed please)

    Hello Everybody.

    I am new to these Forums, so allow me to introduce myself.

    My name is John, and I am engaged to a Philippine Lady who is working here in the UK. She is a Nurse.

    In a little while her Visa runs out and we are looking to bring our Wedding forward to this summer. I am after some advice on getting married here in the UK, and how easy this would be, and what it would entail.

    So any information would be wonderful. We would like to do it in a Registry Office.

    My Fiancée has a Philippine Passport, together with a Work Permit and a Visa. She is in Employment as a Nurse in a Care Home.

    I look forward to any advice.

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    have you tried searching the IND website or have you ask your fiancee/gf that shes allowed to get married in here under working permit? we havent encountered such case in here....but do some searching about your gf visa or your wedding might just be wasted...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i take it your british? if so, i think to marry in the uk, shes needs a COA certificate of approval from the home office, but she must have been granted permission to stay in the uk at least 6 months, AND have at least 3 months remaining.. if she has then you can apply for a COA which i think lasts 3 months, thats why she needs at least 3 months left... if not i would have thought she will have to go back to the philippines and apply for a spouse/fiancee visa there..

    BUT check with immigration enquiry bureau (IEB) on 0870 606 7766

  4. #4
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    I was on a visit visa (a 1 year multiple) when I went to the UK to marry my husband. I just got a legal capacity to marry certificate from the Philipphine Embassy in London. I was previously married so I needed to show the original authenticated annulment papers as well and a copy for their records, then the copy of birth certificates (mine and fiancee) and passport copies. I would advise you to call the embassy yourself to know what documents you'll require to get the certificate. Next will be the application of marriage licence where you'll need to contact the Registrar where you're planning to marry and ask for required documents (usually original birth certs and passport copies plus legal capacity to marry), they will return these with the licence. As far as I can remember, that was it. Hope this helps. Good luck!

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i take it your british? if so, i think to marry in the uk, shes needs a COA certificate of approval from the home office, but she must have been granted permission to stay in the uk at least 6 months, AND have at least 3 months remaining.. if she has then you can apply for a COA which i think lasts 3 months, thats why she needs at least 3 months left... if not i would have thought she will have to go back to the philippines and apply for a spouse/fiancee visa there..
    BUT check with immigration enquiry bureau (IEB) on 0870 606 7766
    Just a question they need to have COA before they get married or after?
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger@tigress View Post
    Just a question they need to have COA before they get married or after?
    my understanding is before getting married

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    they cannot legally get married in the uk without the COA

  8. #8
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    gyle2007, when did you arrived and got married here in UK?

    I asked this because since Feb 2005 the law has changed, you cannot marry on a visit visa and has to get a COA from the H.O.

  9. #9
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    I got married in 2002 and not aware of the recent changes. However, I did some research and there has been amendments last year which you can check in the link below :

    Have a look at point 3.

    Hope this helps.

  10. #10
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    First of all I would like to thank everyone who has replied to this thread.

    After much talking with my Ann and my Parents, we have decided (and gained permission) for us to be Married in my local Parish Church (Church of England).
    My Father has spoken with the Parish Vicor and he, after checking the rules tells us we can Marry there, after we have obtained a Common Licience.

    Now a few questions I would like answering please...

    How easy and quick is it to get a Common Licience?

    Once we are Married is Ann still at risk of being sent home at the end of her Visa?

    Any more information would be wonderful.

    Thank you.

  11. #11
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    you should ask home office about your fiancee situation for the procedure regarding of her visa and what to do because they all got the answer mostly here had been through same situation unlike yours...hope it helps...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  12. #12
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    were in the same situation, although my visa wil run out in 2010, but me and my fiance has been working out our marriage plan,if you want it too quickly dont go to the registry officee, as she will be needing a COA, certificate of approval from the home office in the cost of 295pounds,i found out if you get married in the church of england, much easier, go and speak to your parish, no much fuss, than to go in the regestry. hope this help.

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