I am one of those who decided to take the Life in the UK Test sooner than later, after finding out that the new test will take effect on March 25. Luckily, I passed it. Yey!!! No more worrying.
To those who would like to take the test before March 25. Here’s what I did:
Before the test:
1. Book my test - http://lifeintheuktest.ukba.homeoffi...ooking_10.html
2. Finished reading my study guide handbook
3. Then, focused in answering 74 practice tests, three consecutive days before my scheduled exam. I took note of questions that I did not answer correctly and reviewed them.
4. Read this guide also: http://lifeintheuktest.ukba.homeoffi...te/nav_10.html
During the test:
Before I was seated, there was a brief interview. They looked for my BRP ID which I used when I booked the test. I was asked my complete name, date of birth and reason for taking the test, then, signed a form.
5. I did not rush. I read the question twice or thrice before answering. Make sure you understand the questions and choices as they can be very tricky, e.g.:
Which of the statement is true?
a. The Queen is the Head of the State of United Kingdom and no other countries.
b. The Queen is the Head of the State of United Kingdom and many other countries.
Which of the TWO rights gained by women before 1900? (You have to familiarize with the years because the given choices were all the rights gained by women from 1800s to 1960’s/1970’s).
7. We were provided with a piece of paper and pen where I wrote the number of items that I was not sure with my answers. I read somewhere that you can ask for a pen and paper if they are not available.
8. After that, I run through all the items (1-24) to review my answers.
I left the testing room as soon as I finished the test. Went to a room where I got the result immediately.
The practice tests I used are from my handbook and online - http://www.theuktest.com/life-in-the-uk-test/1
I thought I would seriously study for a month but it only took me two weeks of reading and reviewing. I have no work yet so it was an advantage. The reason I said that is not to brag but to encourage those who are having seconds thought on taking the exam before the new test. If I can do it, then everyone else can. Study and focus.
My best wishes to all the loving wives who have to go all through this just to be with their husbands.