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Thread: In manila until end of April

  1. #1
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    In manila until end of April

    I'm gonna be in manila for quit a while but i'm a bit weary of making friends with filipino guys for socialising as I've heard some of them could sell you off to the underworld at the right price, lol.

    ...So, If other fellow brits in manila from now till end of April want to meet up for drink my number here is 09055596826

    hit me up scotty!!

  2. #2
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    If you head down to Malate/Ermita bar areas around Mabini/Adriatico St and MH Del Pilar/ junction Pedro Gil you should be able to find some expat companions in the small bars. Look for 'Calle 5' halfway down Mabini St to listen to some live bands while sipping a beer...other expats will be in there too.

    In Pasay, you need to be at the EDSA complex of bars opposite the junction of FB Harrison and EDSA. (a sort of mall full of expat-type bars as well as girlie bars).

    In Makati it is mainly Burgos areas for expats (ignore the bar girls of course ).
    ...Plus the Greenhills shopping mall area.

  3. #3
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    I've seen a few posts where it's been suggested to not socialise with filipino males. In my opinion, this is at best over cautious and at worst, bordering on xenophobic!

    Obviously, you need to use your common sense. If a filipino comes up to you in the street and invites you to play cards or wants to exchange some money, don't go anywhere near them!

    However, if you meet some locals as you go about your daily business and become friends, it can be a great "way in" and you'll experience the city in much more depth than you ever could as a tourist. You just need to find people that you "click" with, who maybe have some similar interests to you or are from the same socio-economic group (likely to be the more wealthy filipinos).

    When I spent a year in the Philippines as a single guy, I became friends with lots of filipinos, some of which I'm still in contact with today. We had great times out bar hopping and partying, going on dive trips, etc. They even invited me to the "People Power II" protests (but I decided that it was too hot to be standing around on an EDSA flyover)! After I met my wife, her brothers were surprised that I new where all the cool bars in Manila were!

    As Graham mentions, there are loads of expats in Manila, but making friends with some locals could be very rewarding.

  4. #4
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    I think this is the sort of situation that was being referred to, to be fair...

    'Obviously, you need to use your common sense. If a filipino comes up to you in the street and invites you to play cards or wants to exchange some money, don't go anywhere near them!'

    I think it's pretty unlikely that any of us are Xenophobic where Filipinos are concerned, given our relationships and the status of our kids.

    Bear in mind though, that a lot of members are seeking advice about their very first trip, so it is reasonable to suggest that due caution is observed when dealing with strangers in a foreign (3rd world) country...whatever race they may happen to be...IMO.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    They even invited me to the "People Power II" protests (but I decided that it was too hot to be standing around on an EDSA flyover)
    Im glad you didn't go to that!! Sounds like a nightmare day out to me.
    In theory you could be arrested as Foreigners are not allowed to attend political gatherings..
    I was stuck in the middle of Edsa 1 but only because I didn't have a choice.

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