I had a Pikey ring on the doorbell the other day (despite no cold caller/doorstep selling signs etc), usual crap tree surgery, driveways, soffits, the lot. He handed me a flyer and I told him I rented the place.

Here's the humorous bit which I've done a few times with Pikey Scum. You leave it half an hour or so knowing he is working in the area for some mug or knocking with his flyers. I then dial #31# (withholds your number) then his number, tell him I'm from number 15 (our cul de sac only has 14 houses) and that I have two stumps in the back garden need getting out. 10 minutes later the white Pikey van with orange flashing light roars into view and him and the other inbreds spend ages padding up and down the road looking for a house that doesn't exist