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Thread: please feed me imortant infos

  1. #1
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    please feed me imortant infos

    hello am new here as i was tryin to find sites which would be helpful to me...i have an online bf from n.ireland...weve known each other for like almost 7 months or so i think...he wants me to go to n.i first as he had heard so many bad things bout asian women,like marrying someone just to get to UK...and wants to prove i am for real...i really love him...and wanted to prove him that not all asian women r like that and that i am for real...please advise me/us what to do..i mean if i were to go there what visa should i get how much money do i need...and what are the requirements...if he was to sponsor me what are the things needed to be done...can he a apply a visit visa or sponsor visa for me...i really knew nothin on how to process everything as i have never been to any country before...i also have an adorable daughter of which he knows....and am a single mum...never been married...please please...i hope u could help me as am really startin from scratch...i do have my passport already...tnx...

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    He needs to visit you, not the other way round

    Tell him to come on here, we'll soon have you both sorted
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sorry to tell you that it would be too hard to get a visit visa if you don't meet yet personally. Tell him to visit you first in the Philippines. In your 8 months chatting, he must have plan to visit you, Isn't it?

  4. #4
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    indeed he plans to do so but only after i visit him...u mean he should really be the one who should make the first step

  5. #5
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Yes, you will find it difficult to obtain your visa without some concrete evidence of your relationship ...
    unless some special conditions apply ... eg. have you visited any British Commonwealth country recently?

    He can visit you for up to 21 days, without requiring a visa, so it makes much more sense to do it that way round.

    As Keith has suggested, get your guy to join this forum - the proof of successful Uk/filipina relationships may help to remove his fears and doubts.

  6. #6
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    Yes, sorry again, anyway it is for your own protection. You don't meet him yet and you will be new in this country.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    he wants you to fly 6000 miles around the world to meet him , because he's heard so many bad thnigs about asian women !, yet he's spent 7 months chatting to you, and he don't trust you enough, for him to go and meet you .. i wouldn't let my wife, never mind g/f fly across the world on her own to a strange country... and i don't think many on here would..

    he has to go and meet you first, its you who needs to check him out, not him checking you out

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    he wants you to fly 6000 miles around the world to meet him , because he's heard so many bad thnigs about asian women !, yet he's spent 7 months chatting to you, and he don't trust you enough, for him to go and meet you .. i wouldn't let my wife, never mind g/f fly across the world on her own to a strange country... and i don't think many on here would..

    he has to go and meet you first, its you who needs to check him out, not him checking you out

    Well written mr bloggs, in his defence being British ( i presume) many of us do not realise that we are so god dam lucky and can at a drop of a hat fly here or there well basically nearly any country with little effort.

    Like Mr Admin says ask him to join the or at least read the site and see what is the norm for most people.

    Yes Phill Women have met there mahals in the Uk or europe for one reason or another even have managed to get a vistor visa. But that is still a rarity.

    What ever don't worry about not knowing what to do very few of us did and we learned as we went along luckily people like mr admin and pete whose site has a link on the top right hand corner of the front page.
    Reading that is a must for your friend in n ireland.

    Good luck and remeber the people on this Site are all hoping to help people like yourselves

  9. #9
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    hi mari, i too am from N Ireland (im in belfast)
    i think he should come see you first
    if u want me to meet him - i'd be happy to do so, you know where to find me (email on profile)


  10. #10
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marikistin View Post
    hello am new here as i was tryin to find sites which would be helpful to me...i have an online bf from n.ireland...weve known each other for like almost 7 months or so i think...he wants me to go to n.i first as he had heard so many bad things bout asian women,like marrying someone just to get to UK...and wants to prove i am for real...i really love him...and wanted to prove him that not all asian women r like that and that i am for real...please advise me/us what to do..i mean if i were to go there what visa should i get how much money do i need...and what are the requirements...if he was to sponsor me what are the things needed to be done...can he a apply a visit visa or sponsor visa for me...i really knew nothin on how to process everything as i have never been to any country before...i also have an adorable daughter of which he knows....and am a single mum...never been married...please please...i hope u could help me as am really startin from scratch...i do have my passport already...tnx...
    Girl you dont need to prove anything... If he heard stories about unsuccessful relationship/marriage with asian its thier story not yours... If he really loves you he needs to over come his fear and fly there to meet you to see if your real...
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  11. #11
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi mari,

    first i would like to welcome u to this very helpful and informative forum..

    Like u, i was in that kind of situation before but that was a couple of months ago..My fiance wanted me to visit him in Uk for me to know if I will like the place and of course get to know him..Its not just because he dont trust me or he hears some bad things about Asian women..he do wanted to visit me here but his doctor doesnt allow him to travel by then because of some medical problems..and to make the long story short I applied for a visit visa but as expected I was refused/denied..

    So my fiance talked to his doctors, have an executive check up and he did everything in order for him to be able to visit me since we know it is one of the requirements in applying a visa and of course for us to get to know each other and to meet my family..

    And he visited me this August and we got engaged also and right now I am preparing and collecting all the docs I need for my applicaiton again for fiancee visa and I hope this time the ECO will be good to me..

    I hope u will learn thru my experience..You'd better talk to ur bf and explain to him that it is better that he will come here to visit u..Tell him that not all stories of that Asian women he knows are not true and for 7months of chatting I am sure he get to know u already and of course trusted u in a way thats why u developed a loving relationship..isnt it?
    Also u will prove that he really loves u..
    Just my two cents..


  12. #12
    Member wynna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marikistin View Post
    hello am new here as i was tryin to find sites which would be helpful to me...i have an online bf from n.ireland...weve known each other for like almost 7 months or so i think...he wants me to go to n.i first as he had heard so many bad things bout asian women,like marrying someone just to get to UK...and wants to prove i am for real...i really love him...and wanted to prove him that not all asian women r like that and that i am for real...please advise me/us what to do..i mean if i were to go there what visa should i get how much money do i need...and what are the requirements...if he was to sponsor me what are the things needed to be done...can he a apply a visit visa or sponsor visa for me...i really knew nothin on how to process everything as i have never been to any country before...i also have an adorable daughter of which he knows....and am a single mum...never been married...please please...i hope u could help me as am really startin from scratch...i do have my passport already...tnx...

    I think It would be better for him to visit you first, It would be a lot easier for him to travel rather than you traveling the other way around. You're going to face all the hustle of preparing the papers and everything that as what you've said you havent got a clue to start with. You dont have to go there to prove that you love him, tell him, never mind the other asian women its not them whom he would want to know, its you! You'll be more at ease to get to know him well if you're there in the Phils. Mind you, it will be thousands of miles away without your family if ever something might go wrong while you're with him so you really need to think about it. Both of you will even save money and effort for that and if both of you feel that you're meant for each other then thats when you get crackin...

  13. #13
    Respected Member silver13's Avatar
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    As everyone in here says, really if this Guy loves you he would be the one to visit you in the Philippines!!!! Anyway the BOOT can also be on the other foot and if he has concerns about you being a fraud, then how about you? Could he be a bad guy? There are plenty of stories about foriegn women being dragged into prostitution or people being trapped into cheap labour?

    The Guy should visit you first or call it all off, I would not have expected Anilyn to travel to me first, or even think her family would have agreed to it, so I took all the risk??? Was there a risk???? NO I trusted Her and even though friends told me all sorts of bad stories, I knew I would be safe, and I was!!!!

    2.5 great weeks in the Philippines with Anilyn, then she visited for 5.5 months on a Visitor Visa, now a Fiancee Visa and Anilyn is back here and we will be Married soon, it can work out!!!! Read all you can in here, but do not travel to meet him in the UK till he has met you in the Philippines!!!! Also have you checked out his postal addresses??? He may not be who he appears? He wants to be safe, so should you!!!

    Hope this does not scare you, If your relationship is working and worth holding onto, you should trust him right? But both of you should not doubt each other if your relationship is going to work.

    Good Luck

    CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.

    Ingat Paul & Anilyn

  14. #14
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marikistin View Post
    hello am new here as i was tryin to find sites which would be helpful to me...i have an online bf from n.ireland...weve known each other for like almost 7 months or so i think...he wants me to go to n.i first as he had heard so many bad things bout asian women,like marrying someone just to get to UK...and wants to prove i am for real...i really love him...and wanted to prove him that not all asian women r like that and that i am for real...please advise me/us what to do..i mean if i were to go there what visa should i get how much money do i need...and what are the requirements...if he was to sponsor me what are the things needed to be done...can he a apply a visit visa or sponsor visa for me...i really knew nothin on how to process everything as i have never been to any country before...i also have an adorable daughter of which he knows....and am a single mum...never been married...please please...i hope u could help me as am really startin from scratch...i do have my passport already...tnx...
    hi mari welcome to the forum,anyway if he loves you he make his own way to meet you kahit dadaanin nya ang butas ng karayum,right? i met my husband by text it was by accident when i was texted to my cousin in luton 5months after he was visited me in PI even we dont see each other yet,even in cam and after 1weeks in PI he was invited me aswell to come here in UK to meet his family and friends for a month and after that went back to PI to arrange the marraige,.i think you seen each other in the cam while you chatting and he still doubted if you are real or not oh no stranged people,yeah they are right dont go to his place atleast he meet you first and invite you to come to his place bcoz for me he's not right

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