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Thread: looking after your extended family

  1. #61
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Hold on a minute,...I think that the way in the Philippines is fundamentally ''different'' because of one major factor ... I believe, If a family member has no job or money they dont eat !!...Here in the UK ,if you have a lazy good for nothing parasitical brother in law then you still pay for him just indirectly(BENEFITS)!!
    So I think every British Husband have to ''appreciate'' our point of view when equating it to our way of life and culture.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  2. #62
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    We chose to marry or get into a relationship with who we did, and most if not all of us should have realised very early on that we were getting into a slightly different mindset regarding family responsibilities than we might have done had we met someone from around the corner in our own towns.
    Exactly, you deserve some rep
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #63
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Hold on a minute,...I think that the way in the Philippines is fundamentally ''different'' because of one major factor ... I believe, If a family member has no job or money they dont eat !!...Here in the UK ,if you have a lazy good for nothing parasitical brother in law then you still pay for him just indirectly(BENEFITS)!!
    So I think every British Husband have to ''appreciate'' our point of view when equating it to our way of life and culture.
    Very true indeed....if uk has no benefits see if they dont do the same nor experience a family member ask for financial help.

  4. #64
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    If you want to help them ,then do so..If you dont want to,then dont but be careful when telling a working Filipino spouse that she must not send her family cash!!
    They are not asking for money because your wife is married to a foreigner. They are asking their daughter because she is working abroad.. Its a Filipino cultural support system.
    As Sars says,there are no benefits here and very often the jobs are extraordinary low paying..
    I have inlaws that work and live in the US.. They send money on a long term basis for things like college education for their siblings children etc.. Some have already graduated and are now working in HongKong.. They are now sending cash to help the US inlaws educate the newer college students in the family.
    We help out in many ways that does not usually involve cash but if there are medical emergency then the we all muck in (whole family) and donate together..

  5. #65
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Exactly as you say Fred, we support our 2 nieces through montesory school and their mother is a widow who works really hard in Singapore and we are more than pleased to help. We all chip in when an emergency crops up, but we normally contribute the most as we are in the best situation, changing now as I have retired. We will be coming up to some tough times I reckon as my wife`s parents health is deteriating, but we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it as a family.

  6. #66
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    I bought my mother-in-law this wheelchair, plus medical care when she became partially paralysed (and she came to live with us).
    She was a lovely lady, and it was a small thing to do for her, but made a big difference to her life. (My step-daughter in the foreground).


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