I blame Thatcher for a lot of things. She sold off all the utilities the railways and much more besides. Now all we hear about is gas and electricity prices constantly rising, above inflation rail fare increases every year and this can all be attributed to her.
In my own opinion she created the Loadsamoney selfish culture of making people greedy and prepared to stand on anybodys shoulders to get ahead. I believe that the greed within the banking sector and in the city of London in general is largely attributable to her.
On Europe she is as guilty as anybody as she like every Conservative Prime Minister including Heath never trusted the British People with a vote on the European Union.
As for Trades Unions all I can say is that whilst everyone in the Public Sector was having their pay froze for the last 2 years I have had above inflation pay rises and will get another one next month. I am also extremely proud that I haven't had to strike for a pay rise in the last 10 years.