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Thread: politics and football

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    politics and football

    i am a boring git i am, Monday morning comes and if football has been played over the weekend thats all that is talked about in our office well there are 4 of us 2 are very big into football and i keep telling them they should apply for the managers job, they way they can call every player for doing something wrong and what they should have done amazers me, these blokes are in the wrong job.
    Its just the same with politics but here is where 1 of the blokes drops out and the other joins in, i tell yer these two could run the country and hold down there own jobs at the same time, do this and that get rid of this and that, stop that from happening, its all done in a matter off hours,
    Football and Politics dont intrest me one bit, its all right everyone calling the manager or the politician but could you really do a better job,
    Watching the tv program the other night, question time i think, i did not know anyone on there other then ken clark and the presenter, the rest just wanted to get there point across how good they where and how bad the rest was, so who would be best to run this country really, can anyone name a party or a leader who can, because i have no idea who they are or who he or she is, who can,
    You will be pleased to know its just my little moan and no fall outs or anyone killed over this little rant

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Good thing your in the cab most of the day steve.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    indeed Andy i am looking at the world through a rose tinted windowscreen

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So Steve, which formation do you think Everton should have used against Wigan?
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    So Steve, which formation do you think Everton should have used against Wigan?
    4-3-4 and 2 spare

  6. #6
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Often wondered what would there be to stop all 11 members of a team, to just surround the ball forming a "wall", and then just walk across the field into the goal.
    As long as the ball was intercepted from an opposing team first, then surely it couldn't be offside.
    Granted it would make an absolute joke of the game, but hey.

  7. #7
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I think Cameron supports Aston Villa. They are not doing well either.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    As for politics, well here are two things -

    Firstly, politicians, they like to dismiss public opinion as "bar room politics". Really means they don't like opinions that aren't their own.
    These so called bar room politics though, such disgraceful things like kicking out anyone who comes here and hates us, looking after the elderly, not closing libraries, giving tax cuts to the lower paid, making neighbours from hell the ones that have to move house, not the families affected -disgusting things like that - well if all these armchair politicians actually got off their backsides and joined the political party which most suits their opinion, then it would be a very short time before their opinions became the ideas which run the country.

    All political parties, they struggle to get members and people to stand for council. The result is only the most motivated - who also tend to have these minority views - they are the ones who join up, and push their ideas.

    Frankly we get the government we deserve

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