Hearing of Ed Miliband admitting in an interview that the Labour Government had got immigration wrong with their open door policy must be one of the biggest understatements in British history.
As one of his ministers has said, he was one of the architects of Labour’s immigration disaster.
The Labour Party that was formed to help the British working class actually became the ones that threw millions of working-class people on the economic scrapheap through bringing in cheaper labour.
They became the ones who betrayed working-class areas as many areas were turned into multicultural ghettos with no social cohesion.
To say that mass immigration was good for the UK is completely false as the UK was a successful nation before this took place as we had a settled population.
Now many British people have to scrap for the few jobs that are available, school places, housing. It also has put pressure on the NHS.
It has brought many more criminals to the UK, many of whom we are unable to deport. Many others have brought their own cultural baggage.
Anyone who asked a question or objected was made out to be a racist, like Gordon Brown said about pensioner Gillian Duffy.
It is reckoned that 80 per cent of immigrants vote Labour.
I hope that Mr Miliband’s weasel words will not deceive the British people whose country Labour have nearly destroyed.