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Thread: 23yo pinay looking for a man

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  1. #1
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    23yo pinay looking for a man

    i have a 23 year old friend in the philippines and she is looking for a nice man to initially talk to and take things from there, and own her own she has been to shy and has not had much luck

    She is a very nice girl. long brown hair, slim yet shapely, a cute face, and is a good laugh and will make u smile. She has been messed about a bit and deserves better. here name is Jean.

    She has a little boy, which may not be everyones cup of tea but she is a genuine nice person and is not a scammer or a money grabber.

    She has a wee part time job to try and keep things together but its not wonderful as u can imagine.

    Loves singing, dancing, being daft lol,and likes a wee social drink now and then and she doesn't smoke.

    Oh also Jean has a web cam so she can talk to you as best as possible when ur about 8000 miles away.

    I have her yahoo ID, email, cell etc.

    I told her i would see waht i could do to help so if anyone is interested even as a "good" friend let me know and i will let her know.

    as she is feeling a bit low at the moment.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    this sounds a bit like my wife

    as for the little boy - not everyones cup of tea if a guy cannot willingly accept her son, then hes no man but a selfish boy and is a fool as he doesnt know what hes missing out on just becuase of his macho pride and half a brain

    my wife came with a great stepson but it took her weeks to tell me, and when she did it took her an hour, the way she was talking i thought she had murdered someone , when she told me , i just laughed and said 'is that all'

    get your friend on here, she can join in poking fun at scousers

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Or just poking Mancs...
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if you want to poke mancs keith, get ur back down canal street again. they missed ur scouse two meat and veg

  5. #5
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    Better than watching TV this..............

    Handbags at dawn...

    Where's the popcorn???

  6. #6
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    if a guy cannot willingly accept her son, then hes no man but a selfish boy and is a fool as he doesnt know what hes missing out on just becuase of his macho pride and half a brain

    What a load of BS, are you saying that just because someone chooses not to look for a wife/husband that has children then they are as you describe?

    I can well understand anyone that chooses not to get involved with anyone that has children, they are being mature as they have obviously thought it through and realise that it is not for them. It could be that they have had kids before or maybe that they feel that they are too old to bring up a child again. You have to be very careful when you enter a relationship where a child is involved, if the relationship didn't work out the child could be affected by the "many fathers" syndrome. Please don't make such generalisations, the mature person IMO is the one that knows what he wants and can handle it maturely, whether that is getting involved with kids in a relationship or not.


  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    touched nerve there gm47

    as a step dad, and i've had a step dad. i've no regrets, i know some kids will not get on with their step parents, but then how many kids get on with thier own parents, and how many parents get along with any kids.

    britian now has millions of families with step kids, whats so mature about not getting involved with someone who has kids ? what you saying that someone who gets involved with step kids is not mature . my point was that if you dont try, you dont know ! just becuase she has a child already, is that a red light to you, without even knowing the child or her.

    so what if you have had kids before, what that got to do with it ? , yes you do have to be careful when you enter a relationship where a child is involved, even more so when you have your own kids in a relationship, but that dont stop 1 out of 3 marriages ending in divorce and kids torn in the middle.

    'many father' syndrome, how about 'no father' sydrome which is whats up with many kids today.

    my attack was at the guys out there, who for their selfish reasons will not accept someone else kids, becuase they are not the bio father and it dents their macho pride. it was not at people who already have kids, dont want any more kids, are too old , or what ever other reason. it was aimed at those out there who think 'iam not bringing up someone elses kid', thank god there are million out there who dont think like that, and who are step parents.... and to me they are the mature ones.. what ever mature means to you.

  8. #8
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    hmmm maybe i should find my own man here. anyone help me pls?

  9. #9
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    touched nerve there gm47 Not as you think, as I have brought up 2 stepkids with no problem.

    britian now has millions of families with step kids, whats so mature about not gettinginvolved with someone who has kids ? where we differ here is that you believe that someone that doesn’t (as you said in your message) is because of his macho pride and half a brain. What I am saying is that if someone decides that he/she doesn’t want to get into a relationship with someone else that has children, has made a decision based on what he wants from life and what is wrong with that !! At least he/she just hasn’t jumped in there for a quick fix, they have thought it through.

    what you saying that someone who gets involved with step kids is not mature Your words not mine. my point was that if you dont try, you dont know ! It’s not a sweet shop where if you don’t like something you can just put it back ! just becuase she has a child already, is that a red light to you, without even knowing the child or her. For me personally.. yes….. I’ve made that decision and I have the right to do so and it doesn’t make me any less of a person than you. The same as If you decide that you are not interested in any 6’4” girls of 25 stone with red hair from Glasgow for any of the descriptive reasons then that is your decision and I wouldn’t think any less of you for that, at that same time I realise you if you got to meet someone like that you may like them. But you are allowed to make the call beforehand if you wish IMO.

    so what if you have had kids before, what that got to do with it ? Because some people don’t wish to bring up any more children as they have already done it and don’t wish to do it again.

    my attack was at the guys out there, who for their selfish reasons will not accept someone else kids, becuase they are not the bio father and it dents their macho pride.
    Ok but how would you know that is their reason, I’ve never heard anyone ever say or suggest that, not to say that it doesn’t happen.

    it was not at people who already have kids, dont want any more kids, are too old , or what ever other reason. it was aimed at those out there who think 'iam not bringing up someone elses kid', thank god there are million out there who dont think like that, and who are step parents... Here we agree and to me they are the mature ones.. what ever mature means to you. As we don’t need to get into any further points re the above, if you decide to reply to this you can have the last word.


  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You get two choices in Manchester;
    1) Popped by a gun.......or...
    2) Have your popped
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Why are folk writing in RED....are we all supporting the GREAT LIVERPOOL?
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    'as for the little boy - not everyones cup of tea if a guy cannot willingly accept her son, then hes no man but a selfish boy and is a fool as he doesnt know what hes missing out on just becuase of his macho pride and half a brain '

    as i've said it was aimed at guys who are so selfish that they would never consider looking after some one elses kids becuase they are not the bio father, and yes i do know people like that, my own brother for one, and yes its thier choice, and yes its their right to call me whatever bringing up some one elses kids, but they are the ones losing out. not me. i've no regrets, but they might have by not even trying or knowing.

    and there is only one red - the red devils.

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I wouldn't want anyone elses kid!! Hard enough trying to get rid of my own
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    have you tried putting them on ebay ?

    my kids came with the wife, it was one of those all in one deals

    depends what age they are, below 10 and over 16 yr their ok, btw them years their trouble.

    if your wife had kids already keith would you have stilled married her or you better not answer but your wife still married you, even thou you got 2 kids already, hope you've not got double standards just joking you've survived married life longer than me.

    just go with the flow....

  15. #15
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    Having followed the thread for a while, I didn't post until now, just wanted to see where it was leading to.

    I feel that if you really love someone, the baggage doesn't matter.

    Jet, my wife of 7 weeks, has a 13 year old girl, and the only thing we are really sorry about is that she will not be coming to the Uk just yet.
    She recently started high school, and the upeval of the move might just upset the apple cart. Besides she is at the age, when she would miss the many cousins and friends and all the rest of the family. In a couple of years she will be able to join us here, and finally meet her step-brothers and sisters. Don't get me wrong, I want her here with the mother, but at the present moment it is, for her own benefit, not feasible.
    Yes, I do agree, if you are not prepared to take on board your partners children, then you have no business in starting a relationship with the mother.

    Only my two pence worth.....

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    totally agree with you aromulus

    bit of advice, make sure your stepdaughter is in the uk and allowed to stay before she is 18, once shes 18 its near impossilbe to get her a visa to stay Permanently.

    and getting a visa for a step child can be a long process, we were luckly that my wife still was in contact with my stepsons bio dad, and he gave us a letter explaining he had not supported or seen him much, and wanted his son to come and live in the uk with his mom and sister, so getting a visa for my stepson was not a problem, but for some people it will not be that easy.

    if i remember right, if your wife is on a 2yr spouse visa, your stepdaughter doesnt have have to be in the uk 2yrs, unlike your wife before she can apply for ILR.

    i did the same with my stepson, he was in his final year at school, and thought it be better if i got his aunt to live with him while he finished school and went to college, but becuase she had family problems she returned home, and by then he was 17, i got him a visa and he is here in the uk, but hes now turend 18, and iam applying for ILR for my wife, daughter and him, but its going to be really difficult to get it for him... if i had known this i would have brought him with us 2 years ago,but then it wouldnt make much difference, as he would still have been 18, before my wife could apply for ILR.

    i'll be phoning a couple of law centres near me asking advice, before i make a ILR app for him.

  17. #17
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    My situation is totally different from yours.

    I am not going for a settlement visa, but a more civilized
    EEA2... Or family permit. At no cost whatsoever...

    As long as the girl is on the paperwork as dependant child, she can join the mother any time she chooses.
    There is something to be said for not getting a British citizenship...

    Do I Need A UK Visa
    You asked if a national of Philippines needs a visa to come to the UK as a non EEA/Swiss family member of an EEA/Swiss national.
    If you are an eligible family member you need an EEA Family Permit. Eligible family members are defined in the EEA Regulations as:
    • the spouse of an EEA national, excluding a person who is party to a marriage of convenience
    • a descendant (child or grandchild) of an EEA national or his/her spouse who is 21 years of age or is their dependant (this includes stepchildren or adopted children)
    • a dependant in the ascending line (ie parents or grandparents) of an EEA national or his/her spouse
    A Family Permit is similar to a visa, but is issued free of charge to eligible family members of EEA and Swiss citizens. It allows you to travel to or stay freely in the UK with your EEA family member.

    If you want to come to the UK independently of your EEA family member, the normal visa requirements apply. Please re-submit your enquiry, choosing another Purpose of visit.
    Please read Guidance - EEA & Swiss Nationals for more information.
    Any dependants under 16 years old, included on your passport, can be included on the same form, but those older will need to fill in separate forms.
    If you are a national of, or are normally and legally living in Philippines please make your application to Manila.

    It took me a while to root out this bit of information, they keep it very quiet indeed, but in the end I got there...
    Unfortunately it doesn't work for you Brits, but it would, as far as I am aware, if you were living and working in Europe.

    Also have a read at this page, and see how the cards are stacked against Brit Joe Average.


  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My kids have been on Ebay since bid so far.....used condom....from a Manc
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    My kids have been on Ebay since bid so far.....used condom....from a Manc

    Extremely generous from a Manc...

    I strongly advise to take it, might change his mind...

  20. #20
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    keith on ebay your not suppose to bid on your own items
    sounds like your a scammer. claiming to be a scouser in wales ! and next claiming to be a manc trying to push up the bid on your items

    well you got a free re-list or did ya take the condom

    yes its all stacked against me this time, think i should give up me citizen ship and get myself a lithuanian passport, and saved me £1000's in visa's and hassle.

    there is a lot of immigration info that they keep from the public,

    i found this about over crowding

    Guidance on overcrowding
    The Housing Act 1985 contains statutory definitions of overcrowding in "dwelling houses". Dwelling houses covers both privately owned houses and those owned by local authorities. A house is overcrowded if 2 persons of 10 years old or more of opposite sexes (other than husband and wife) have to sleep in the same room, or if the number sleeping in the house exceeds that permitted in the Act.

    The Act specifies the numbers permitted for a given number of rooms or given floor area. For our purposes we adopt the room number yardstick. Account is only taken of rooms with a floor area larger that 50 sq feet and rooms of a type used either as a living-room or bedroom; kitchens or bathrooms etc are not included.

    Using the above noted yardstick, the following table provides guidance as to the acceptable (for our purposes) number of persons occupying a house with a stated number of rooms:

    .......... 1 ................................. 2
    .......... 2 ................................. 3
    .......... 3 ................................. 5
    .......... 4 ................................. 7.5
    .......... 5 ............................... 10

    with an additional 2 persons for each room in excess of 5.

    A child under the age of one does not count as a person. A child aged 1 - 10 years will count as only half a person.

    so you can work out if your app would fail on accomodation

  21. #21
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    Obviously that yardstick is not used in The Philippines...

    Yes there are hundreds of bylaws, which have been pushed through without any pubblicity.

    If you say that you didn't know about something, the official reply is....

    ignorance is not an excuse or a mitigating factor.

    To make sure that Jet is not delayed in her application, I researched and made numerous phone calls to Home Office, IND, UKVACS, Embassy in Manila, Italian Consulate in Manchester (even I have to go to Manchester sometime...), Italian Embassy in Manila... I forgot how many times I had to hold while they were having a cuppa, or how many times I hung up in desperation, because the guy or the lady at the other end either didn't understand a word in the Queen's English, and gave a garbled answer in the most obnoxious accent, or wasn't bothered to give the right information.
    I have to admit that, (without ADMIN coercion) (how about a few bob, keith?), without this site, and Pete's, I would not have known where to start looking.
    But as they say.......... It ain't over till the fat lady sings...

  22. #22
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    Lets get this post back on track

    23yo pinay looking for a man
    i have a 23 year old friend in the philippines and she is looking for a nice man to initially talk to and take things from there, and own her own she has been to shy and has not had much luck

    She is a very nice girl. long brown hair, slim yet shapely, a cute face, and is a good laugh and will make u smile. She has been messed about a bit and deserves better. here name is Jean.

    She has a little boy, which may not be everyones cup of tea but she is a genuine nice person and is not a scammer or a money grabber.

    She has a wee part time job to try and keep things together but its not wonderful as u can imagine.

    Loves singing, dancing, being daft lol,and likes a wee social drink now and then and she doesn't smoke.

    Oh also Jean has a web cam so she can talk to you as best as possible when ur about 8000 miles away.

    I have her yahoo ID, email, cell etc.

    I told her i would see waht i could do to help so if anyone is interested even as a "good" friend let me know and i will let her know.

    as she is feeling a bit low at the moment.

  23. #23
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    why i thought she was your gf? what happen? did you just decided you cant come and see her in real and break her heart and in return you would choosen to help her find the man who can accept her and her son instead of you?
    Filipina a born survivor!

  24. #24
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Gm47 you're funny

    I have two eyes to read
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  25. #25
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    @eljean. lol nope, my gf is called jenny hence the user name . this is my gfs friend called Jean. anyway its ok she read the post and decided we were all abit to insane so she is going on "hot or not" website last time she spoke to me

    and as for the child bit since some people took the wrong end of the stick this is not my gf and i know what u are all saying regarding children if ur not willign to take them on then doent start.

  26. #26
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Now that's cleared up, can we talk about golf balls?
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #27
    Member richardandjenny's Avatar
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    i found a golf ball! does that count?

  28. #28
    Newbie (Restricted Access) space1999's Avatar
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    Smile I am new to this and hope i am not too late..

    Quote Originally Posted by richardandjenny View Post
    i have a 23 year old friend in the philippines and she is looking for a nice man to initially talk to and take things from there, and own her own she has been to shy and has not had much luck

    She is a very nice girl. long brown hair, slim yet shapely, a cute face, and is a good laugh and will make u smile. She has been messed about a bit and deserves better. here name is Jean.

    She has a little boy, which may not be everyones cup of tea but she is a genuine nice person and is not a scammer or a money grabber.

    She has a wee part time job to try and keep things together but its not wonderful as u can imagine.

    Loves singing, dancing, being daft lol,and likes a wee social drink now and then and she doesn't smoke.

    Oh also Jean has a web cam so she can talk to you as best as possible when ur about 8000 miles away.

    I have her yahoo ID, email, cell etc.

    I told her i would see waht i could do to help so if anyone is interested even as a "good" friend let me know and i will let her know.

    as she is feeling a bit low at the moment.

    I have only just joined today after feeling quite frustrated with the lack of family values in many English women and people in general. Anyway, I recently decided after reading lots about Filipino people, that I would at least like to make friends here and I saw your post tonight about your 23 yr old friend.

    I am a nice guy I am told and am 38 living in Leicester...prefer to live near the sea really. I have lots of love to give to friends and a future gf/ who knows maybe even wife :-)

    Hope to hear from you soon


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