Something weird happened when I arrived in Phils on 3rd or march 2013.
Normaly on arrival in phils I get 21 days visitor's VISA but when I arrived on 3rd of March 2013, after I arrived at my hotel and checked my phils VISA stamp on my passport. It it reads 3rd of march until 23rd March 2014 (1yr Phils VISA!!!)
I'm planning to stay for 2 months and was hoping they'd give me the normal 21 days VISA on arrival then I plan to go and renew/extend around 19 march 2013.
Could this one year they appeared to have given on arrival be a mistake from the filipino immigration officer part?
How can I check what they have on record against my stay?
If you are a spouse of a Philippine Citizen you are eligible for a one year stay (balikbayan visa) and it is free so dont worry about it.