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Hi Mike,
You remind me of my friend here. His name is Jack. He is 25 and partner (Paul) is 40 years older than him. He was on student visa when he met his partner online so before the visa expired, they got married then applied for FLR last year. Paul was once married to an English woman and they have 4 kids, eldest is 18 and youngest is 7 years old. 3 kids living with his ex wife and the eldest is living with them now. 2 elder children are aware about the situation (Dad married to a man) while the little ones doesn't know anything. Everytime the kids come and visit daddy's house, they asked who Jack is and why is he living there. Paul will just tell them that Jack is his tenant. The ex wife don't know anything about their marriage neither.
Paul's reason why his little children shouldn't know about his marriage to Jack is that he doesn't want them to be bullied at school. Although UK is a very open minded country and same sex marriage was just legalised in church some time ago, social STIGMA about same sex marriage is still there whether we like it or not. There are still a lot of people in this country who are against it and thinks that it is wrong...but don't mind them, it is your life, not theirs.
What is his employer's business on how your partner runs his life? It would be a discrimination on his part if they will fire him only because of his sexual orientation. Every employee or any person in the UK has the right for equality and be given dignity regardless of anything.
He won't lose his job as it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of:
*being or becoming a transsexual person
*being married or in a civil partnership
*being pregnant or having a child
*race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin
religion, belief or lack of religion/belief
*sexual orientation
He is protected from discrimination in these situations:
1. at work Discrimination at work
The law protects anyone against discrimination at work,inc.:
*employment terms and conditions
*pay and benefits
*promotion and transfer opportunities
Some forms of discrimination are only allowed if they’re needed for the way the organisation works, eg:
A. A Roman Catholic school restricting applications for admission of pupils to Catholics only
B. Employing only women in a health centre for Muslim women
2. in education
3. as a consumer
4. when using public services
5. when buying or renting property
6. as a member or guest of a private club or association
He is legally protected from discrimination by the Equality Act 2010.
He has nothing to worry about losing his job.
He won't loose his kids, later on in their stage of life, they will understand that at the end of the day, it's their dad's happiness that matters.