Thanks Arthur – of course Chavez couldn’t have been embalmed in bed… unless he was already pickled !

He was said to have died of lung complications with an underlying “ pelvic cancer “ treated in Cuba. It was first reported two years ago, and the diagnosis must have required a biopsy / sample to have been “ pickled “ in formalin and processed for microscopic examination by a pathologist.

It has never been publicly stated what kind of cancer he had, and of course that’s confidential information. My guess is some form of sarcoma ( a rare type of “ soft tissue “ cancer ), of unknown cause; or possibly prostate.

Stories of U.S. involvement - Chavez being “poisoned “/ injected with cancer by the CIA - lack credibility. Likewise other South American leaders, like President Cristina Kirchner of Argentina and Brazil’s Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva also had cancer - but of different types ( thyroid and throat respectively ), and entirely coincidental.