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Thread: Prison Officers....

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Prison Officers....


    That strike went well.....24hrs......last about 1/2 that ....well per the interviews on TV, no one knew who was doing what!!!!

    POA Chief interviewed on the radio said "We have members that tak home only £1200 a month, and £800 of that is mortgage" .....What the has that got to do with us? If your member cannot do simple maths for personnal finance, no wonder they work with thugs If you CANNOT afford something, you DO NOT HAVE if you have members struggling to pay the mortgage....simple.....sell smaller one....SIMPLE ECONOMICS.....but DO NOT ask the tax payer to cough up for there stupidity......

    Another one was going on that he had been a PO of 9 years, and had been beaten, robbed, spat on, and all kinds of other things.....Well MATEY....if you do not like the job you are in, GET ANOTHER ONE

    Also if you do not think you are getting enough money, EDUCATE YOURSELF, giving you higher market value in the business world. I learn something new EVERYDAY, currently on PHP/MySQL. That'll take me about a week, then my next project.

    This is typical of the general public these, days always blaming some one else, never there own must be the governments.....
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    I completely agree with you. - now be worried!!!

    If these people were involved in businesses they wouldnt last 2 minutes.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by barnsley-mark View Post
    I completely agree with you. - now be worried!!!

    If these people were involved in businesses they wouldnt last 2 minutes.
    They wouldn't even pass my interview.....need somoene with an IQ higher that '0'
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    hi guys, i seen that issues at the sky report.......
    They must have to pay them well, whats the used of the money that people for thier tax????

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    it's not their fault house prices have shot up, cheapest ex-council house is nearly £100k near me now, to buy that if your on your own, you would need to be on nearly 30k a year.. but then everyone is in the same situation.. they could rent, still around £450-£600 a month near me, save for a deposit, sit and wait for the property boom to bust, but its been a long time coming, mainly due to the high demand for housing, because of the 100,000s of eastern europeans who have moved to the uk in the last few years..

    £1200 a month after tax is what about £20k a year ? so you couldn't buy anything where i live on that wage .

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    £1200 a month after tax is what about £20k a year ? so you couldn't buy anything where i live on that wage .
    Then you move, change jobs, send the missus out to work, make other income, don't expect the bloody tax payers to help you just because you can't be bothered changing your life.....we pay enough as it they forget to mention the overtime & expenses they get
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Then you move, change jobs, send the missus out to work, make other income, don't expect the bloody tax payers to help you just because you can't be bothered changing your life.....we pay enough as it they forget to mention the overtime & expenses they get

    you need to send your missus to work theses days with the cost of everythnig, i'm not asking the tax pay to my rent or mortgage, thou indirectly the people of salford are , so if the prison guards did what you say and quit, who's gonna feed and water the low lifes, you need prison guards, we need everyone who is low paid or what ever paid, the right to somewhere to live.. and everyone cannot be a chief you still need indians

    with your accountant scouser keith, i'm sure my wife who works 5 hours a day pays more tax than you

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ...but Mr Joe....the majority of prison guards live within their means, it is the minority that don't and as usual in this country now, it is the minority that get the attention.

    Look at the media cover over OAP's not affording heating, food, etc.....I've never met one yet who is short of money Those that are, usually drink, smoke, gamble, etc.....bit like your average Manc
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    naughty boy scouser keith, you'll get a slap on the

    i don't or never have smoked, took drugs, or gambled, don't even drink..

    how many old people have you meet
    to say that old people can afford to live, state pension is £87 a week, how much is your gas/electric and water bill in wales. for me its £115 a month for them 2 bills for me, poll tax is £110 a month, then you've got your food, clothing, tv license, house insurance, and whatever else..

    its easy to say to people live within your means, when its not possible to, and easy for the 'i'm alright jacks' out there, who are doing ok, maybe oneday you'll be in their position, oh, as for me sooner or later scouser keith, i'll be changing my tune, singing the same one as you, when the wife gets a job as a doctor

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty of old folk in our village, none suffering from lack of food, nor all the others I know.

    I live on £10 a week ....the wife on the other hand £975 .....and that's just the weekly fruit & fish bill
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Plenty of old folk in our village, none suffering from lack of food, nor all the others I know.

    I live on £10 a week ....the wife on the other hand £975 .....and that's just the weekly fruit & fish bill
    same here , i live off bogof tins of soup, pasta and crisps must be £10 a week max, while the wife spends more than £130 a week on food for her, 2 kids and the baby

  12. #12
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post

    POA Chief interviewed on the radio said "We have members that tak home only £1200 a month, and £800 of that is mortgage" .....What the has that got to do with us? .
    an 800/mo mortgage would be 160k, so they obviously have been a bit dishonest when applying for a mortgage EIGHT times their salary..

    no wonder I can only afford to buy a garage round here

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    They've included overtime & expenses probably when in the bank, they forget to mention this bit when asking for a pay rise though
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Today i found myself at a client who are in equity fund management blah blah just off Oxford street and one of the dealers had just got a form to fill in for his speeding ticket and the guy i was working with was talking to him about filling in the form. These guys earn mega bucks but only have a basic salary (didn't say but i guess 20-30 k maybe a little more) the rest is paid offshore to get round taxes and what have you so was expecting a tiny fine as its means tested

    There Mortage if they need it are either intrest free short term loans or ultra low intrest if over along term, which is common for city firms from what i gather

  15. #15
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Today i found myself at a client who are in equity fund management blah blah just off Oxford street and one of the dealers had just got a form to fill in for his speeding ticket and the guy i was working with was talking to him about filling in the form. These guys earn mega bucks but only have a basic salary (didn't say but i guess 20-30 k maybe a little more) the rest is paid offshore to get round taxes and what have you so was expecting a tiny fine as its means tested

    There Mortage if they need it are either intrest free short term loans or ultra low intrest if over along term, which is common for city firms from what i gather
    should keep the prison officers in work then

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