Quote Originally Posted by yellowcloud View Post
Hello all,

I was hoping someone could help. If my FIancee and I lose our appeal, could we live in another EU country without any problems ie interrogation of our relationship and having to provide photos, card etc etc in order to get a residency card if we were to say live in Germany or Spain etc? I have read that to get a residency card in another EU country if my Fiancee and I were married all we would need would be a Marriage certificate and health insurance and theres no scrutiny of your relationship.

Only other thing was if Germany or whatever country it was were able to see we were refused a Fiancee visa because the ECO said we weren't genuine.

Hope someone can help!
If you're considering the EEA route you'll need to marry first.
Family members are defined as spouse, civil partner, children of the EEA national or their spouse/civil partner under 21, children of the EEA national or their spouse/civil partner over 21 who are dependent and parents of the EEA national or their spouse/civil partner if they are dependent.

Fiancee is not Family member.