As I recall your Fiancee's visa application was refused due to not satisfying the ECO on the genuine and subsisting realtionship. (ie intention of marriage of convenience)
Do you have experienced representation for the appeal?
When is the hearing for the appeal?
My reason for asking is because I believe you'll need to present a strong case on this.
I do sincerely hope that you'll overcome the challenges, but should you get a negative outcome it may very well impact any opportunity to fully utilse the EEA route to UK via Family Permit.
Just be aware of that and build up as much evidence as you can that the relationship is long standing, genuine and subsisting. Even outside of any appeal decision you could still succeed via EEA route provided you could present convincing evidence on your relationship and marriage.
In your specific case my advice would be to get married quite some time before your wife applies to join you in EU, (at least 3 months) then to remain within your chosen EU state for at least 9 months together making your marriage 12 months duration.
Just a suggestion. Hope it helps