This is a serious issue.

During the delay in implementation of the RH Act for 120 days, up to 1,800 ( 11 -15 / day ) women may have died from preventable complications arising from pregnancy and childbirth. Maternal mortality rate is about 20 times higher in the Philippines compared to UK, and it’s not coming down. Between a third and a half ( estimates vary ) of Philippine pregnancies are unintended.

Over two weeks ago Filipinos elected a new Congress and local governments. Ahead of polling day, opposing groups publicly endorsed candidates who were for or against the Reproductive Health Act.

The “ Purple Ribbon for RH Movement “ was led by former Health Secretary Esperanza Cabral. The “ White Vote Movement “ led by the Catholic group El Shaddai opposed the Act. Both “ Purple “ and “ White Vote “ claimed successes, but there appeared to be more voters FOR than against the RHA (

It’s regrettable that politics and the Catholic Church play such a role in keeping health of mums and kids on hold.

There are MANY aspects of improving their health, already listed in my now closed thread ( ).

The RHA would help a fall in pregnancy-related deaths by promoting access to contraception ; skilled attendance at birth ; and good emergency obstetric care. It would help more Filipinos have access to sexual and reproductive health care, information and services. Good maternal health benefits children. They do better in terms of their future health, education, and labour market outcomes.

These are medical facts. The World Health Organization strongly supports the RHA and is ready to defend it before the Supreme Court.

I am no politician, hold no strong religious beliefs, and respect others. I do hope the Court hearing in June WILL decide the Philippines can move towards implementing comprehensive reproductive health services.

We must ALL surely hope that June 18 will bring good news. This would help the Aquino Government’s aims to improve Filipino health. These already include increasing the Department of Health budget, access to health care and enrolment in Phil-Health ( or other ) insurance.

Of course the RHA itself won’t be a cure. It WOULD, in my opinion, be a step in the right direction .