Hello guys, i knew i can always rely on this site!
Terpe, so sorry i really have not made it clear with regards to those few questions. I actually do not know which word will best describe my worries lol. If i understood it right,visa is for 27 months, and out of that 27 months i should spend 24 months within UK and the rest of 3 months out of UK. Do i really need to COMPLETE that 3 months out of UK? and what will happen if i cant as we all know that flights are so way expensive and with work i dont think i can make it out of uk for 3 months. I have arrived in UK July 9, my visa started June 26 so thats few days spent already and add this coming holiday and next year am not even sure if i can go out of UK due to work and financial circumstances as it will be the time to apply for ILR as well.
Thank you Arthur Little, i will only be coming home for few weeks and will take the time to study and read that book lol and when i get back i will take the life in the UK test as soon as i can before i even go work ( stress stress stress)
Looking forward to your reply guys and thank you so much for always being helpful.