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Thread: Family Visit Invitation Letter Template

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
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    Question Family Visit Invitation Letter Template

    Hi all,

    Anyone here can point me to the right direction? I require a template on how to write invitation letter for both my parents for a family visit visa. I will be sending out my supporting letter to then at the end of the month.

    Thanks for your help.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    It's never easy when it comes to writing important letters.
    In all honesty there's no real template or formula for composing a sponsorship/support/invitation letter. Each individual application is it's own unique set of circumstances that a simple template or sample cannot adequately address.

    When planning your letter for a Family Visit Visa, the key information that should be included is:-

    - Purpose of the letter
    - Name, address and contact details of the person being invited/sponsored
    - Date of birth of the person being invited/sponsored
    - Your relationship to the person being invited/sponsored
    - Your immigration status in UK
    - Your employment status in UK and average annual earnings
    - The purpose of the visit and main reasons why and when you are inviting the applicant to travel
    - The planned duration of the visit
    - Details on accommodation including arrangements for the Family Visitor (include owner's agreement / rental agreement if applicable)
    - Details of the extent of the financial support and sponsorship expenses you'll be shouldering
    - Indication of the supporting documents you are including

    There's really no specific methodology or style in which to write the letter. Just focus on making it your own personal circumstances and ensure that all the needed information is easily visible and understandable in the letter.

    Here's an idea on the typical supporting documents to be supplied by the sponsor:-

    - 6 months Bank statements showing address details and salary payments etc (include savings account balances if appropriate)
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proof of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page)
    - Sponsors birth certificate copy
    - P60 (if available)

    Here's a typical EXAMPLE of how such a letter containing the information needed could be put together:-

    Mrs A N Other & Mr A N Other
    10 High Street
    AA1 2BB
    Miss Family Visitor
    123 Anystreet
    Nice Subdivision
    Family Area 1234

    Date: 14 August 2013

    To whom it may concern

    I am pleased to provide this letter of sponsorship in support of the UK entry visa application of Miss Family Visitor for a Family Visit.

    Miss Family Visitor is the youngest sister of myself (Mrs A N Other) and sister-in-law of my husband Mr A N Other.
    Both myself and my husband are UK passport holders and permanent UK residents and I wish to invite and sponsor Miss Family Visitor to stay with us in our home at the above address for the whole duration of her UK visit, which we plan to be around 3 weeks duration.

    As sponsor of Miss Family Visitor for this family visit I am pleased to confirm that I undertake full responsibility for the complete costs of all air and land transportation, accommodation and all maintenance expenses of Miss Family Visitor throughout her period of leave in the UK.

    I would very much like Miss Family Visitor to arrive into UK during the summer months of July or August so that we can take advantage of the summertime for touring and sightseeing together as a family.
    Additionally, it will be my birthday on August 30th and a special celebration party is being planned. We are really hoping that Miss Family Visitor will be available to attend my special event.

    I am employed as a Worker by Nicejobs Ltd. My annual salary varies, depending upon how many nice jobs I get, but generally my earnings would be approx £12000 per year.
    Additionally, I would like to say that I have been putting aside some savings in my NiceBank Savers Account specifically to cover Miss Family Visitor's UK visit.

    My husband is a Support Worker for Nicejobs Ltd. His total annual income is approx £18000

    The accommodation at 10 High Street, Anytown is a semi-detached family house and comprises three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a large living room a large kitchen/dining room.
    Miss Family Visitor would have the sole use of her own bedroom.
    There is no mortgage on the property and my husband and I are the owners

    The following supporting document copies are enclosed with this letter:-

    - 6 Months Bank statements showing address details and salary payments etc.
    - NiceBank Savers statement showing amounts set aside for the visit of Miss Family Visitor
    - Most recent Utility Bill as additional proof of address.
    - Passport photo-page copies of Mrs A N Other & Mr A N Other
    - Birth Certificate copy of Mrs A N Other (showing evidence of relationship)
    - Pay slips & latest P60

    If you have any questions or should you need to confirm any additional information please contact me by e-mail me at

    Yours sincerely

    Mrs A N Other Mr A N Other

    Anyway hope this writing will give some idea

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    well I better get started lol

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