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Thread: wifes spouse visa is up at the end of the year, what to do next?

  1. #1
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    Question wifes spouse visa is up at the end of the year, what to do next?

    as title, whats the next things to do so that my wife can stay here in uk with me,
    shes been studying the (about britain) hand book for the last 2 months, so ill book her in for the test at a library at the end of the month.
    then whats to do next to get uk citizenship?and what document etc will we need and what places to go to

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Tony, Liz needs to pass the Life in the UK test and an English test with B1 level (if she would be applying ILR on or after October 2013). Requirements are mostly the same when you applied the spouse visa since she is under the old rules. Check it here..
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    as title, whats the next things to do so that my wife can stay here in uk with me,
    shes been studying the (about britain) hand book for the last 2 months, so ill book her in for the test at a library at the end of the month.
    then whats to do next to get uk citizenship?and what document ect will we need and what places to go to
    I'm guessing that your wife has her immigration status under the 'old-rules' (pre July 2012)?

    If so then she will be approaching the 24 months living in UK qualifying period.
    As you rightly mention, she'll need to have a pass certificate for Life in UK test.

    You should take a look at this forum thread
    giving details of the latest changes concerning English Language Test requirements effective from 28 October 2013.

    The earliest ILR application can be made is 28 days before the end of the qualifying period.
    (The actual date of arrival into UK)

    Just as an example if your wife began living in UK on 28 November 2010, then your 24 months qualifying period would be 28 November 2012. The earliest that your ILR application is allowed to be made is 28 days before 28 November 2012. So that would be October 31 2012

    I would also suggest a review of the requirements for ILR so that you can begin preparations for some of the documentations that are required. Some of these documents need to cover the 2 year period leading up to the date of application.

    Here's an example of the ILR form

    Here's an example of the ILR Guidance Notes

    Hope that helps, and well done for thinking ahead

  4. #4
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    Sorry Rayna, didn't mean to duplicate. You had already posted when I finally pressed the button.

  5. #5
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Sorry Rayna, didn't mean to duplicate. You had already posted when I finally pressed the button.
    No worries Peter. You provided Tony more information than what I said!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

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