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Thread: Going to the United States..

  1. #1
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    Going to the United States..

    Once i get my sister and her child here to the UK on an approved visa, would she and her children be able to travel to the United States and possibly live there? how long does she have to stay in the UK to travel to the US. Sorry if this seems like a dumb question. If not allowed to go to the US, what paperwork would be required to travel to the United States from the UK, and how long would that process take? thanks for all your help: )

  2. #2
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    Hi, She would definitely not be able to live in the States. and would also require a specific visa to visit.
    If she is a British Citizen and has a British passport then visa is simple and simply write form on flight. Otherwise states is like a fortress, especially now.
    hope this helps -

  3. #3
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chuckied View Post
    Once i get my sister and her child here to the UK on an approved visa, would she and her children be able to travel to the United States and possibly live there? how long does she have to stay in the UK to travel to the US. Sorry if this seems like a dumb question. If not allowed to go to the US, what paperwork would be required to travel to the United States from the UK, and how long would that process take? thanks for all your help: )
    A visa is valid for a the country that issue it (or some like a Schengen European visa).
    As Filipino citizens, to travel to the US you do need a visa from the US Embassy whatever your residency country is (it's the Citizenship and not the country of residence that determine the need or not of visas).
    Permanently residence in a country outside the Philippines just ease the process as you don't have to apply in Manila (if I remember well, tourist visa holders will be told to apply in Manila).
    Best regards.

  4. #4
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    thanks.. that surely helps. So once she gets to UK, as a philippine citizen, she would require another visa to go the USA, which would definitely take more months to process. thanks much.

  5. #5
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Here is a good site always updated to know if you need a visa for your travel:

    It will give you an accurate answer whatever is your citizenship, your country of residence and your planed travel.
    Best regards.

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