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Thread: visa application advice - any free advice available in the UK to help me with the process

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    visa application advice - any free advice available in the UK to help me with the process

    Hi, I am new to the forum, so firstly like to hi to everyone on here . I met a beautiful Filipina lady just over a year ago and have visited twice in Cebu. We are now in the process of starting to look at the visa process and marriage details.

    we feel at the moment we would like to make an application by ourselves, but are aware its quite complicated and we are new to this.

    So basically looking for a few pointers and even better, if I could arrange to seek some advise, even better.

    any help please would be great

  2. #2
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    First & foremost you have to be earning £18600 a year & thats just for starters
    Welome to our very informative forum i wish you well with your future visa app


  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    hi ya, thanks, aware of income figures, struggling to understand the process, where to start really, could do with an understanding where to start, eg, collect all evidence, do English test etc

  4. #4
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi and welcome to our forum Plenty of good free advice here. Have you decided where your going to marry here or in the Philippines. Have a read of this thread if you haven't made your mind up yet. It could help

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzybikeo View Post
    We are now in the process of starting to look at the visa process and marriage details.

    we feel at the moment we would like to make an application by ourselves, but are aware its quite complicated and we are new to this.

    So basically looking for a few pointers and even better, if I could arrange to seek some advise, even better.

    any help please would be great
    welcome to the forum!!
    please check this very informative thread..
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ozzybikeo View Post
    Hi, I am new to the forum, so firstly like to hi to everyone on here . I met a beautiful Filipina lady just over a year ago and have visited twice in Cebu. We are now in the process of starting to look at the visa process and marriage details.

    we feel at the moment we would like to make an application by ourselves, but are aware its quite complicated and we are new to this.

    So basically looking for a few pointers and even better, if I could arrange to seek some advise, even better.

    any help please would be great
    Hello ozzybikeo, welcome aboard

    Glad you found us and hope we can help you and yours to navigate that immigration journey.

    It's actually quite a 'big ask' to almost start off with a blank sheet and invite help to fill it up.

    You do really need to break down those key decisions and move from there.

    So you've both agreed that life in UK is the future. Means a visa will be needed.
    First decision, which visa? Fiance(e) visa or Partner/Spouse visa.
    Technically there's really not much difference in terms of elibibility, qualification and application.
    Where you get married and why becomes an important issue for quite few reasons.

    You've already got some useful links, please do take time to read and be sure to follow all the UKBA links within those threads/posts.

    Sorry, but here's some more reading that needs to be done and again follow the UKBA links - Applying for a UK visa in the Philippines

    The UKBA advises all applicants to read their application Guidance Notes together with their Supporting Documents Guidance

    You can search here in the forum for any areas/topic of concern or you can ask as many questions as you need right here in your thread.

    There's plenty of folks here who have been down the same road and made that journey. Everyone here is friendly and willing to share experiences, and to make sure to get that special visa.

    Some early steps for you both to consider is that of meeting the English language requirement

    Also now there is a new requirement for TB Screening. Again something that needs to be done before you can make your application.
    Here's the needed detail - Tuberculosis testing in the Philippines

    Once you feel you have a basic understand of the directions you need to move to, it's a good idea to ask just one or two questions around a specific issue that you need help or clarification with.

    Step-by-step is the key.

    Good luck and don't be shy to ask

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