I just want to share this in case in future members heer will have problem with their BRP's. I have recently received my brp card but I noticed that the place of birth in my card mispelled wrong. It is essential for you to check thoroughly the information in your BRP card to avoid you from applying again and being charge to retain a new BRP as what they have said on the leaflet that they enclosed with my card.

What I have done was:

1. I emailed the Home Office using BRPError@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk to inform that I found faulty in my BRP card.

2. They then sent me an email after 2 days to say that I have got to send my BRP card along with my passport back to the address they provided also on the email which is,


Returns Unit

PO Box 163


BS20 1AB

3. They also ask me to write a covering letter that contains my information: Full Name, Date Of Birth, Nationality, Passport Number, Contact Telephone Number, BRP Number and Case Reference Number.

After a week of wait my passport arrived in the morning followed by my new Biometric Residence Card in the afternoon. Make sure that you’re at home when they deliver your card for you as they dont give or hand it over to anybody else than you.