Good to see you dived into the various EU pages and documents. Too bad it takes atleast several hours of digging... Your avarage applicant most likely will just let themselves be bullied and pushed around by EU (Schengen, British, ....) embassies who do not properly apply the Freedom of Movement directive for family members of EU/EEA nationals.

About a year ago or so the EU Commission announced an overhaul/change of the Schengen rules (at the earliest somewhere in 2015) : more easy application form, online applications, a special visa valid for 6 months for those touring (elderly people with campers for instance), more structured issueing of muliple entry visa etc.
I hope to see these changes accepted and implemented soon. Better yet: EU/Schengen embassies/application centers were one can make an application without silly services fees, proper instructions in accordonce with EU direcitves etc. So that people who do not realize they can get a free, swiftly issued EU/EEA spouse (family member) visa with minimum hassle will be told about it at the counter.. That sort of thing doesn't seem common place at embassies, they are unaware or unwilling to do a proper job... a real shame.