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Thread: plan to marry

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Hi all,

    I hope tis makes sense and someone can shed some light on my little knowledge on this subject.

    Just wrote a post in very first section introducing myself so if you've read that then you'll know why I'm in here now.

    Ok, down to the nitty gritty... As far as I have leanrt from various ites and this forum... obviously not taking any of it as ''read'' I need to apply for my CNI and take it ONLY to offices in Manila... unless, correct me if i'm wrong, I have a certified copy of my passport.... Meanwhile, can Ecxy apply for marriage license before I arrive? would She need anything from me?

    Or can we only get license once I am there too?

    she's waiting for me.. I'm getting frustrated by the time this is taking us... and after spending who knows how long trying to sell the house....

    Do I need to take any other paperwork with me.?
    I''m planning to go on the 21 day visa... and hopefully get all sortd in that period although I do realise I might have to return to UK and then go back again to get her...

    It's been a struggle piecing together all the info I've found and most sites on the net cater for US citizens...

    We were hoping on a december wedding but after discovering i gotta wait at least 21 days for my CNI to be sorted, then our date is destined to be delayed just a slight tad bit more...

    If anyone can give me a full rough guide to the entire process without me having to spend too much time surfing the net or reading through forum after forum... not offence meant...then that would be greatly appreciated.

    It's always best to talk to those who've been there and bought the t shirt read the book etc...
    Reason being, I'm on a 56k modem, limited to 60 hours amonth by my French ISP cos the mayor wont yet allow broadband cables laid to the village... needs 100 signatures from locals to say they all want it before mayor spends the money... regardless of the fact that the junction box is onlt two miles away...

    So, if you've read my first post and now this then you'll get an idea of my position (and Ecxy's)

    Thank you to any who assist in my (our) struggle to be happy in this life for once and for all...

    Gary (and Ecxy..but she's not here ...yet)

  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Gary@Oct 18 2005, 06:33 AM
    Hi all,

    I hope tis makes sense and someone can shed some light on my little knowledge on this subject.

    Just wrote a post in very first section introducing myself so if you've read that then you'll know why I'm in here now.

    Ok, down to the nitty gritty... As far as I have leanrt from various ites and this forum... obviously not taking any of it as ''read'' I need to apply for my CNI and take it ONLY to offices in Manila... unless, correct me if i'm wrong, I have a certified copy of my passport.... Meanwhile, can Ecxy apply for marriage license before I arrive? would She need anything from me?

    Or can we only get license once I am there too?

    she's waiting for me.. I'm getting frustrated by the time this is taking us... and after spending who knows how long trying to sell the house....

    Do I need to take any other paperwork with me.?
    I''m planning to go on the 21 day visa... and hopefully get all sortd in that period although I do realise I might have to return to UK and then go back again to get her...

    It's been a struggle piecing together all the info I've found and most sites on the net cater for US citizens...

    We were hoping on a december wedding but after discovering i gotta wait at least 21 days for my CNI to be sorted, then our date is destined to be delayed just a slight tad bit more...

    If anyone can give me a full rough guide to the entire process without me having to spend too much time surfing the net or reading through forum after forum... not offence meant...then that would be greatly appreciated.

    It's always best to talk to those who've been there and bought the t shirt read the book etc...
    Reason being, I'm on a 56k modem, limited to 60 hours amonth by my French ISP cos the mayor wont yet allow broadband cables laid to the village... needs 100 signatures from locals to say they all want it before mayor spends the money... regardless of the fact that the junction box is onlt two miles away...

    So, if you've read my first post and now this then you'll get an idea of my position (and Ecxy's)

    Thank you to any who assist in my (our) struggle to be happy in this life for once and for all...

    Gary (and Ecxy..but she's not here ...yet)

    Gary, you have to read Pal, and you can take this as "Read" quick answers.

    No you cant get your GF to get a marriage licence for you, as you need to be present with her at the civil registry in her home town !! when applying

    We get hundreds of e mails every year like yours, so my friend, I will direct you to a place where you can get the information for yourself, its free, and doesnt cost you anything, just read it and take notes best of luck.

  3. #3
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    Spamming & still calling people after dog food.....

    I've just spent the last week repeatedly slamming my mates head down the toilet to get it through to him NOT to marry in the Philippines, it is much easier doing it here.

    With regard to your dialup MATE (their you go, your a condom now ), get ONSPEED installed. £25 a year, and it does honestly speed up your connection by 3-10X. All my members use it on their laptops & XDA's as it saves a packet in download costs.

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  4. #4
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    Cheers Pete, thanks so much for that..i've read the lot...and takes the breath away...

    Looks like i'm gonna have to try to sweet talk Ecxy into coming here to marry me...but as I just said in repl to admin on my first post... it's gonna be one heck of a job explaining everything to the Embassy offiials when it comes time for Ecxy to apply for her visa to come to UK to get married...

    After seeing the things I need to 6mths of payslips... heheheheh..what are they?
    and 6 months of bank statements ..and proof of residency in UK.. I'm not even there yet...

    Although I have been coming back and forth to UK for work, I only worked 4 months this year... but at least I'll soon have UK address and my bank statements will actually have some numbers printed on them once house sale goes through...

    Aint life grand!!!!

    Thanks so much for that link...I've read so many other sites and not got half that info... ta muchly

  5. #5
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Originally posted by admin@Oct 18 2005, 08:57 AM

    I've just spent the last week repeatedly slamming my mates head down the toilet to get it through to him NOT to marry in the Philippines, it is much easier doing it here.
    I'm planning to marry my filipina over there - can you explain what the problem or problems will be ???

  6. #6
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    As long as you do it all in the correct order, it's a breeze............although it doesn't take much to turn it into Typhoon Immagration.

    Keith & Ping

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  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Hey Mohawk,

    you gotta do what i the site... it's full of info..but you gotta search around.

    check out the link ginapeterb posted in his response on this post.

    see you soon.

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