
We got the slow ferry over to Siquijor which took around an hour and were met at the jetty by our resorts unique transportation which we later labelled 'the trikeney'.

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There's quite a lot of accommodation available all over Siquijor and we chose one of the lesser known resorts located in San Juan on the west side.

Charisma resort is owned by Daniel, a Millwall fan from South London and his wife, Jeziel from Mati City in Mindanao. Its situated apparently on the best beach on the island which incidentally has no name. Its very sandy and only has the odd bunch of seaweed here and there and streches for at least a mile. Although swimming is impractical close to shore, the water is crystal clear. This beach was featured in my Siquijor video.

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We stayed in Siquijor three nights and toured the island in the 'trikeney' one of the days. The circular road around the island is excellent and ideal for riding a motorbike around in as there's not much traffic and very few junctions to stress over.

I would have liked to stay on the island a bit longer but we had already booked our hotel in Bohol.