Quote Originally Posted by alan_macd View Post
I'm not at all a troll and I am sorry that my few words have annoyed people. This wasn't my intention. I was reacting to the suggestion that mosques should be shut down and was simply pointing out that most terrorism in the UK, in my lifetime, has nothing to do with Islam.

It is an unaliable fact that some admix of Christianity and Nationalist/Unionist politics has caused thousands of deaths in Britain.
The overwhelming number of terrorist attacks in The UK have been carried out by white Brits. They have been responsible for thousands of deaths.

I believe this was your original statement and we're still awaiting your evidence to back this up.
I believe there is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that many Islamic terrorist attacks are supported by Extremist clerics something that we have no evidence has ever existed within the Catholic church or C of E in this country.