I have sent loads of electrical stuff to the Phils in my balikbayan boxes...but only because I already owned it and wouldn't need to buy again.

Other than that, I wouldn't bother, as you can buy whatever you need out there at roughly the same prices.

As Peter has said, anything which has a clock or timer on it will not keep time correctly. If it's just a little bedside clock/radio or summat, no worries. It's not going to explode. ..well, mine didn't.

What I was grateful to have, were all the British quality extension leads, my tools, and other DIY bits and pieces...quality steel ('Spur') shelving brackets etc.

Bring some taps as well. The ones out there are either quality, or expensive for imported ones. You'll soon get good at replacing tap washers on the local plumbing. Local electrics ?...well, scary !