I though I would put my to'peneth in about how I met my gf Charity, It may be a little different to others. Lol.
We meet online through a dating site, to be honest I wasn't looking for an LDR, but it was over a christmas period and I was not with anyone at that point. She just said Hi on the chat and we started talking about the usual things we english do, the weather. We got on really well, and carried on talking via YM. She was currently in Mandaue, awaiting a job offer in of all the places Moscow ! There was a lot of messing about by the authorities but it all came though. Seeing that Moscow is only 3 hours away I though it much easier to meet up there, little did I know about getting Russian visas and the cost of living !
Anyway I flew out last year for a long weekend. Not as daunting as I though. We had arranged to meet in the Metro, but was a while before we did. Like here, there can be more than one platform in a station so for ages we were saying on the phone, 'I am standing next to the exit sign', only to find out we were 100metre apart ! Lots more to come, but I wont bore you unless you want to be !, I haven't even started on my trip to Phil to meet the family![]()