The pc left over there as your im sure aware needs to be kept up to date with os updates and the same with any av or anti spyware on the computer. Is there someone ok with doing that? Also make sure the broadband bill is payed as and when, not always the highest prioty for some families.
Also not sure of the family setup etc, but make sure the people who use it realsie its a communcation tool not a games centre. A few times my Wifes younger Bro and Sis have had to be told off for loading on manga screensavers and games etc.
Also my Wifes sister younger sister goes to a posh school in manila and when we were last over she had to load on files to the laptop from her usb stick only used on the school network computers we had a few nasty virus suddenly pop up.
Your still need a cheap way of ringing via landline and mobile as its unlikely they will have on the pc all the time plus your wife will need/want to speak to other realtives who don't have pcs trust me.